

The National Debt Clock.

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Maurice Papon - Icon to penpushers everywhers

Papon who helped in organisation of the transport of jews to death camps has died. He like many others used the old old exuse that he was just following orders. The worst thing is that he through his whole life showed no remorse for what he did and his attitude is becoming more active in todays government:
Papon believed a civil servant could not do wrong if he was acting in the service of the state.
And that is becoming more and more common across the UK of late, the latest wheeze, that we are paying for is the training of lots of minor Papon's to help enforce the smoking ban. Soon these moral guardians will be filming people undercover in order to catch smokers. Of course they are going to love that, the thought of moral superiority, doing what is best for both the state and our health, oh and of course we shall be paying for this bunch of Papon's out of our taxes.

Not just these people, but we seem to have Papon's growing up in all areas of government, a belief they know what is best for us, they shall follow the states orders to the letter, no matter what the cost, that they have done no wrong.

The latest bit is the idea by our government that they can lock people up who have done nothing wrong, the so called super Asbo -a perfect bit of catch all, fine people and lock them up legal work- and the amendments to mental health laws, which fortunately are being defeated in the Lords...The government has suffered three defeats in the House of Lords over plans to detain mental health patients who have not committed an offence.

Now yes there is a difference between the enforcement of ID cards- nothing government/private sector Papon's would like that asking for our ID cards, the gradual erosion of civil liberties with the organisation of mass murder but you get the point.

Of course our state broadcaster an organ that makes Pravda seem honest, painted a glossed over bit of Papon, mind you from what I see of The BBC it would appear to be like our local government, staffed to the rafters with Papon's : BBC gloss over history, well worth the licence tax we have to pay the bastards

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