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Moazzam Begg - Crawls out from under his rock.

Yes the Tipton Taliban member Moazzam Begg has been putting in his t'pence worth on the plot to kidnap a muslim soldier. On the dire BBC site Begg says:

Moazzam Begg, who was detained by the US at Guantanamo Bay without charge before being released, was among the others to attend the meeting.

He was critical of the apparent leaking of information to journalists ahead of the raids.

"I hope that when the truth manifests itself that, metaphorically, heads will roll with the people who put out these stories in the first place," he said.

Would like be heads rolling as in cut off, like the way some of your Jihadist mates like to do it Moazzam? Of course El BBC(peace be upon it) had to say he was released with out charge. So lets just have a look at the poor darling of the Guardian reading left.

He was arrested in 1994 on benefits fraud, a minor thing but worhy of mention as this is just the start of his career of skirting the law. Although this charge was dropped the police on a search of his home found a bullet proof vest, night vision goggles and of course islamist material. But wait all this can be explained away, you see
his family insist that he was collecting such items as a hobby. Ahhh! Right, well thats all ok then.

Of course a young chap from the midlands needs to cut loose once in a while, get away from the daily grind and our Moazzam is no different to you and me. Well other than his holiday resorts include Afghanistan and Bosnia and attempted to travel to the delightful holiday nation of Chechnya, oh and fully acknowledges giving financial support for Muslim combatants, but insists that he never took a combat role for himself.

Instead he seems to adopted an almost Omar Bakri style of encouraging others to fight whilst he himself does not. Maybe he is just a coward who knows?

However this young rascal had another scrape with the law in 2000 under British anti-terrorism laws during a raid on the Maktabah Al Ansar bookshop in Birmingham, which he had founded. The government retrieved encrypted files from his computer and ordered Begg to open them, but Begg refused and a judge ruled in his favor. He was released without charge, it happens. Well not happy with things here in Blighty he heads off to live in Afghanistan.

Well he then left for Afghanistan in 2001, he planned to become a "teacher", but when the al Qaeda's Derunta training camp was captured, a copy of a money transfer was found that credited an account for Moazzam Begg. He was seized in Islamabad in February 2002 by the CIA. His family insist that this is a case of mistaken identity.

Maybe after all even chip and pin is not unbeatable but is anyone else picking up a pattern here? Mind you after a stay at the fave Jihadist holiday camp Club Gitmo he headed back to the UK and waiting arms of The BBC and The Guardian.

His dire book Enemy Combatant: A British Muslim's Journey To Guantanamo and Back put across a rather slanted view of his time in Cuba, but the New York Times reported "some notable gaps in Mr. Begg's memoir" in that he did not mention a previous arrest nor some of his alleged ties to terrorism. The book also omitted ties that Beggs acknowledged elsewhere, the Times said.

Moazzam Begg you were a terrorist fuck before and remain one now, crawl back under your stone and die you arsehole. Fuck you, you islamist asshat.

More on Begg here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moazzam_Begg

Begg puts in his t'pence at El Beeb

My little bit on Mr Begg making blood money from his terrorst trips

The Taliban scum:



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