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My Humble Opinion on Barclays Bank Plc

A little while back I got into a dispute with my bank, the ever wonderful Barclays Bank Plc. I made several comments on what I saw as the dire service, the poor levels of staff training, the even worse attitudes and very as I saw it poor standards paid to customer(ie myself) needs.

Indeed after a while I was given a choice by the ever wonderful Barclays Bank of accepting a token payment as "settlement" without any admission of error on their part of the woes that past(in my view) for customer service with regards to myself.

The only other option, which as I lack both the money (as my bank the ever wonderful Barclays Bank Plc knows) and time, ie I have to work; was to fight my claims through the courts and possibly bring much financial hardship upon myself.

Even more than had already been inflicted (in my opinion) again by my bank the ever wonderful Barclays Bank Plc.

I recieved off them a letter stating that should I not withdraw my comments from my site they (the ever wonderful Barclays, a fantastic bank that really cares about customer concerns, no serious stop laughing at the back there) could take my poor ass to court for damages against their coporate name. So under much duress I did accept their terms.

In the weeks and months that have followed I have decided that as they stated I shall not say a word about anything that has happened in the past, nor shall I insult them in any way shape or form but I shall and the law does allow this (even under the wonderful rule of New Labour)express my opinion.

My view is:

Barclays Bank Plc provide poor service.
I am not happy with Barclays Bank Plc.
I don't want to be with them but until my overdraft is clear I am stuck with them.
Training needs to be improved.
I still feel that many of my complaints(none of which I shall mention in any way shape or form have not really been resolved)

Lastly I am not the only unhappy person with regards to the ever wonderfull Barclays Bank Plc, as you can see from the links below.









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