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Steve "The Croc Hunter" - A Tribute/Ahmed Abu Laban - Burn In Hell

Well I laughed...steve was annoying, but children on a misson are more annoying.....so lets compare them to Hitler(for a laugh)

And finally a "rot in hell you bastard for the trouble you caused Ahmed Abu Laban", after all Denmark got the blame, but wait were not the first pictures of Mo(PBUH) published in an Egyptian magazine and the Islamic world did nothing, yes thats right, no riots, no burning of embassies, no calling for Jihad in fact it was buried on the inner pages of said magazines...

But for you deciding to cause a problem for your own people to kick off about, never mind the long Islamic history of Islams leaders having their portraits painted during the Renaissance(members of the Umma check out the pictures in the uffizi gallery of Ottoman leaders)

Yes this Kuffir has been there seen said pictures and is ready to argue over islam having a more tolerant past than it has right now...

Getting back to Ahmed, I for one am glad you are dead, it would appear that you died from cancer well no more than you deserve you shit, you deserve to spend an eternity in pain oh and of course you kicked off over shit like this below ...(well at least your ancestors appreciated art, after all they had their portraits done by Italian artists in the middle ages.)



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