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Terry Kelly Gets Chemo

Cross posted from Rottweiler Pup - agree with every word! Read and enjoy.

Terry Kelly original article here at Rottweiller Pup

Now here’s a thing. A couple of years ago, we here at Puppy Mansions noticed a curious anomaly appear in the Scottish blogosphere:

Hi and welcome to my Blog.
First off, I hate socialism. I think that it is a cancer that will cause society to collapse, as other more extreme forms of the doctrine have in other countries.

Of course, before arriving at the terminal stage, cancers cause severe discomfort to their hosts:

They [Islamopaths at Gitmo] are then handed to the Americans who then take them to their Cuban based concentration camp allowing the gangster Bush to tell his fellow ‘Amurkins’ about how he is fighting those ‘turrist folks’ ‘those big guys with the beards’ Bushwhacker Bush says ” I’m lucky that our saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ is a fellow Amurkin and I will continue to smite these evil axis’s folks with his help” says Dubya.

So yes, indeed, the ‘Amurkin’-bashing author of this screed, one, Councillor Terry Kelly, has been causing discomfort to Scottish bloggers in particular, and sane people in general, for a while now.

Today, however, Kelly achieved the blogging equivalent of what all good cancers do — The inevitable shift from ‘discomfort’ to X-rays, CAT-scans and Aggressive Chemotherapy

RFS — […] You worked as a youth volunteer, that makes me shiver, judging by your recent comments I assume that was in the days before disclosure checks.

Now, for the benefit of our non-British readers, a ‘disclosure check’ is what employers over here perform when they suspect an employee of paedophilia … Which does sort of beg the questions: Does Terry Kelly really suspect Right For Scotland’s author of paedophilia? Or are we just listening to the background noise those cancer-cells always make when the radiation hits?

**Oh and DK has a chuffingly good bit on Terry here: http://devilskitchen.me.uk/2007/02/terry-kelly-and-adventure-of-paedophile.html

and of course the man himself: http://rightforscotland.blogspot.com/

Previous post on Terry:http://newportcity.blogspot.com/2007/02/councillor-terry-kelly.html


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