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Here we go again - Compo Culture Going Mad

After the case of media sales manager John Ditton who trousered a cool 120K for being called a wee poof and a few other remarks, we now have the case of a shop worker who is sueing and yes she is a lesbian, yes she is line for a huge payout - according to The Mail just over the amount as "wee poof" John Ditton 124K

Consider the fact that the wife of a serving police officer killed in the line of duty got a miserly 13K(see below link for story) - and you wonder what planet the people who decide compensation are on. Now yes the poor dear got called a few names, well she had a hard time in work, yes she deserves a pay out but more than someone who has lost a partner? More than someone who has died? More than most of the people in the 7/7 attack?

widow of policemanDc Oake, killed in the line of duty and she gets less than some over sensitive prick (John Ditton) who cant handle a days work

Miss Bielak earned around £13,000 a year as a shop assistant with the company.

She is claiming around £124,000 damages for injury to feelings and loss of earnings. A damages hearing was adjourned on Friday and she will not find out how much she will be awarded until July. Lets just hope that some common sense is used here and she gets less than 13K.

Another huge payout: Roll up for the compo culture, being oppressed, feel hard done by, let someone else pay.

Links and bits: original artricle on John Ditton

My post on John Ditton: http://newportcity.blogspot.com/2007/02/nice-work-if-you-can-get-it.html



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