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Slavery - The guilt complex

don't apologise in my name you wankers.
Now there are calls from the misguided(see above) for the UK to apologise over slavery. This would serve no point what so ever. What use is it to apologise to people who have been dead for nearly 200 years? Its like the North African nations apologising to us for Barbary raids on the UK, or Italy apologising for the Roman Empire!

Of course the chattering classes have to get themselves all worked up about it, forgetting the fact that they should really be more outraged about the trade in human misery from say Eastern Europe and elsewhere that is going on today. Far better to beat their collective brow over the misery they claim we caused 200 years back. They tune out the fact that slavery was already well establish in Africa before the first Europeans got in on that.

Oh and maybe take a good look at the slave trade as it still exists in Africa and many parts of the developing world today, especially in the Islamic world. There are many cases of slaves being taken in the Sudan, an area that has always been known for slave trading on a massive(some would say industrial) scale.

But the apology issue gives them the chance to both feel morally superior to everyone else, but also to bash Britain's imperial past. Forget the fact that we established law and order in many parts of the world, mostly for our own ends true but establish it we did.

If an apology is to be forthcoming, then it should really be I think a Euro apology, after all did German not enslave and butcher thousands in central Africa, same go's for France and so on and so forth. Besides everything else seems to be done on a Euro level these days, I think it would be unfair to blame any one nation over the rest.

Oh and don't forget to ask those nations still enslaving people to issue their apologies, I am sure the Sudan will be getting that written as we speak.

Finally I have saved the best for last, of course this issue is not really about slavery indeed it is about something far worse? Yes the oppression of young black men. Seems that some in the black community are willing to blame the white man, play the Ali G "Is it cos I is black?" card to the hilt and bitch and fucking whine unless they get a hand up or a hand out off of the same white buckra oppressors.

Now get this "statement" from some prick called Lee Jasper, who just so happens to be an Equality Advisor to London mayor "Red" Ken Livingstone:

"The legacy of racism is strong and I think the legacy of slavery impacts negatively upon black communities", he says.

Looking at present day black descendants in Britain shows us how the generations that followed slavery rebuilt their communities.

This has been especially difficult when they live in the country that was heavily involved in the trading of their ancestors.

Woe is me and all that, and yes its reported on the BBC...

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2 people have spoken:

BobG said...

Idiots. Unless they personally owned slaves, and are apologizing to said slaves, they are making no sense. Why should a person apologize for what someone generations ago did? That would be like me demanding an apology from France because some of my ancestors that came to America were Huguenots escaping persecution. Some people seem to look for excuses to wear hair shirts.

Fidothedog said...

Wankers nothing else but.