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Brewer launches Fairtrade beer to mark 200th anniversary of slavery abolition.

The Westerham Brewery is pleased to announce the launch of one of the few Fairtrade bottled beers available. Following the huge success of the draught beer launched in February for Fairtrade Fortnight, the brewery has decided to release the beer in bottle-conditioned form. The bottled version has an ABV of 4.8%.

“We have been overwhelmed by the response to our draught version of this beer. Since February 19th we have produced over 10,000 pints of the beer for our pubs in Kent, Surrey and Sussex” said Robert Wicks, founder and owner of the Westerham Brewery. “Such has been the demand for a bottled version that we pulled out all the stops to get the beer ready for the 200th anniversary next week. Without the help of our label designers, OPM Labels, and our bottlers, Thames Distillers, none of this would have been possible.”

Traditionally floor-malted Maris Otter pale ale malt, crystal malt and Kentish hops combine with Fairtrade Demerara sugar to produce deep gold ale, characterised by its mellow bitterness and long hoppy finish.The beer commemorates the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade. On 25th March 1807, the British Parliament voted in favour of the abolition of the slave trade. This act of legislation was one of the most humanitarian pieces of legislation ever enacted in parliament; slaves could no longer be traded in British ships. BBC Radio Kent Interview March 2007

Today, people trafficking is one of the worlds fastest growing illegal industries, devastating the lives of men, women and children who are taken by deception or coercion from their homes for exploitation. The Westerham Brewery supports Stop the Traffik and will make a donation from the sales proceeds of the beer to support their work in fighting slavery today.

Stop The Traffik is a global coalition of organizations, communities & individuals raising awareness of people trafficking & promoting practical action through a global declaration, media, events, celebrities & projects around the world through 2006 & 2007. www.stopthetraffik.org.uk

**What better way to celebrate Easter than with a pint of real ale. Needless to say moonbat Toyin Agbetu will not be amused, his site is already claiming that this beer is somehow glorying in the misery of slaves.

Oh and getting back onto the subject of the slave trade I found this gem that summed up the whole saga:http://mikecunningham.wordpress.com/2007/03/20/black-brethren/

Black savages from Ghana, Nigeria, and all the other garbage dumps around the coast of Africa have refused to apologise for their part in the history of slavery; despite the well-documented fact that if they, or rather their own bloody ancestors hadn’t sold their brothers into exile, there wouldn’t have been a slave problem in the first place!!!

Lunatic madman Toyin Agbetu disrupts slavery memorial, my bit on this arsehole.


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