NINETY candidates representing 11 parties will stand in Gwent at next month's Assembly elections.
Nominations for the May 3 ballot closed at midday today, with each candidate paying a £500 deposit to be returned if they take five per cent or more of the votes.
The hopefuls include the Reverend Geoff Waggett, the rector of Ebbw Vale and son of a former Labour councillor in Newport. The Rev Waggett, one of four standing for the Welsh Christian Party, is among 59 candidates on the South Wales East regional list.
It also includes eight Conservatives, six Lib Dems, five Labour Party candidates and four from Plaid while there are 10 English Democrats, five from the Socialist Labour Party, four candidates each from the British National Party, the Green Party, UKIP and the Communists, and one independent.
Gwent's six constituencies - Newport East, Newport West, Torfaen, Islwyn, Blaenau Gwent and Monmouth - have 31 candidates, including four independents, representing five parties.
All I am going to say on this is turn out and vote, give the Liebour party a bloody nose in South Wales. The full list of candidates is below:
Newport East
Mike Blundell (English Democrats)Peter Fox (Con)John Griffiths (Lab)James Harris (Ind)Trefor Puw (Plaid)Ed Townsend (Lib Dem)Newport West
Rosemary Butler (Lab)Andrew Constantine (English Democrats)Matthew Evans (Con)Nigel Flanagan (Lib Dem)Brian Hancock (Plaid)Blaenau Gwent
Natasha Asghar (Plaid)Keren Bender (Lab)Bob Hayward (Con)Trish Law (Ind)Gareth Lewis (Lib Dem)Monmouth
Ed Abrams (English Democrats)Jonathan Clark (Plaid)Richard Clark (Lab)Nick Ramsay (Con)Jacqui Sullivan (Lib Dem)Torfaen
Rhys ab Elis (Plaid)Patrick Legge (Lib Dem)Lynne Neagle (Lab)Graham Smith (Con)Ian Williams (Ind)Islwyn
Kevin Etheridge (Ind)Irene James (Lab)Mark Maguire (Lib Dem)Allan Pritchard (Plaid)Paul Williams (Con)South Wales East
James Trueman (BNP)Peter Greenhalgh (BNP)Marlene Jordan (BNP)Christopher Robinson (BNP)Roy Evans (Communist)Angharad Halpin (Communist)Dan Cole (Communist)Dave Rawlings (Communist)Steve Gash (English Democrats)Alan England (English Democrats)Fred Bishop (English Democrats)David Lane (English Democrats)Steven Uncles (English Democrats)Michael Russell (English Democrats)Raymond Brown (English Democrats)Gerald Lambourne (English Democrats)Rosalind Williams (English Democrats)David Knight (English Democrats)Ann Were (Green)Alasdair McGowen (Green)Geraldine Layton (Green)Robert Clarke (Green)Councillor Mark Jeffrey Denley Whitcutt (Lab)Tunji Fahm (Lab)Julie Helen Robinson (Lab)Councillor John Wright Turner (Lab)Councillor Rhianon Passmore (Lab)Jocelyn Davies (Plaid)Mohammed Asghar (Plaid)Colin Mann (Plaid)Glyn Erasmus (Plaid)John Cox (Socialist Labour)Sue Deare (Socialist Labour)Glenn Eynon (Socialist Labour)Cerian Screen (Socialist Labour)Joyce Giblin (Socialist Labour)David Rowlands (UKIP)Keith Morgan (UKIP)Roger Thomas (UKIP)Hugh Moelwyn Hughes (UKIP)Jeff Green (Welsh Christian Party)Geoff Waggett (Welsh Christian Party)Peter Watkins (Welsh Christian Partu)Richard Patching (Welsh Christian Party)William Graham (Con)Laura Anne Jones (Con)Leigh Jeffes (Con)David Chipp (Con)Andrew Roberts (Con)Lizzie Butler (Con)David Williams (Con)Geoff Burrows (Con)Michael German (Lib Dem) - anyone remember that expense story? Where fraud was claimed to have happened...Veronica Watkins (Lib Dem)Phylip Hobson (Lib Dem)Alison Willott (Lib Dem)David Hando (Lib Dem)Jean Gray (Lib Dem)Colin Hobbs (Ind) Tags: Politics, South Wales, Pointless talking shop, Voting, May 3rd Elections
Tags: Conservatives, UKIP, Lib Dem, Plaid,Welsh Christian Party
Tags: Elections, Welsh Assembly, Newport Gwent,Politics
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