We heard in the early days of Blair and the early days of "Cool Brittania" of an ethical policy with regards trade, no selling of arms to naughty dictators and above board politics without the sleaze of the dark Tory days.
Of course this was before we found out about John Prescott humping his fat bulk on some sleazy skank in the office, rather than doing what ever it is that the man was supposed to be doing.
Of course this was before all the dubious tales of honours and bungs.
Before the dubious dossiers, before the death of Dr David Kelly and the spin over them WMD's.
Before the cover up over funds to oil the wheels of trade in Saudi Arabia
Before UK courts were used to protect Saudi's accused of torturing UK citizens.
Now Blair is off to visit Libia, a nation with a long history of torture, exporting terror and has been found guilty of blowing up a plane over Scotland and shooting a policewoman. Of course they "gave up" their WMD program and so are the nice guys again. And so as an ethical partner we can show our support of Libia and its nothing to do with all that lovely oil.
Of course this was before we found out about John Prescott humping his fat bulk on some sleazy skank in the office, rather than doing what ever it is that the man was supposed to be doing.
Of course this was before all the dubious tales of honours and bungs.
Before the dubious dossiers, before the death of Dr David Kelly and the spin over them WMD's.
Before the cover up over funds to oil the wheels of trade in Saudi Arabia
Before UK courts were used to protect Saudi's accused of torturing UK citizens.
Now Blair is off to visit Libia, a nation with a long history of torture, exporting terror and has been found guilty of blowing up a plane over Scotland and shooting a policewoman. Of course they "gave up" their WMD program and so are the nice guys again. And so as an ethical partner we can show our support of Libia and its nothing to do with all that lovely oil.
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