Came across this small overlooked bit of news and it made me smile. Nice to see that sometimes the wheels of justice do go in the right direction. Now all we need to do is get that Somali shit Mustaf Jama, sorry I shall correct that: Crossdressing Somali shit Mustaf Jama back to Blighty to face trial. Link to BBC report: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/bradford/6635869.stm
Previous bits on the murdering Somali scumfucks:bit one on shit hole Jama and bit 2 on shithole Jama and bit three on shithole Jama and bit 4 on shithole Jama and bit five on shithole Jama and bit six on shithole Jama
A man today pleaded guilty to assisting an offender in connection with the murder of a police officer.
On the first day of what was to be a five-day trial at Leeds Crown Court, Hewan Gordon, 36, admitted providing accommodation to Muzzaker Shah between November 25 and December 13, 2005.
Shah was convicted at Newcastle Crown Court last year of the murder of Pc Sharon Beshenivsky during a robbery at the Universal Travel Agents on Morley Street, Bradford, West Yorkshire, on November 18 2005.
Gordon appeared at Leeds Crown Court to face a charge that he "provided accommodation with intent to impede the apprehension or prosecution of Muzzaker Shah, a person who had committed the offence of murder, knowing or believing him to be guilty of that offence".
He was granted bail on condition that he resides at his address in Alexandra Road, Newport, Gwent.
Some bits on animal Mustaf Jama hiding out in cross dressing Somalia:
According to The Times, in 1993 Nadifa Egal a Somali woman arrived at Heathrow with three children and a Kenyan people trafficker who falsely claimed to be her husband. Mrs Egal described the danger from which her family were fleeing following tribal violence. The family were granted leave to remain and Mrs Egal set about contacting her four other children who had been sent to the UK in 1992. Soon after being granted leave to remain it is reported that Mrs Egal returned to Somalia leaving her seven children to be brought up by friends and relatives in London and Birmingham.
Mustaf Jama was 12 years old when he stood by his mother’s side at Heathrow in 1993. Eight years after arriving in the UK, Mustaf was jailed for burglary and robbery offences. After a string of violent criminal offences he was released from prison in 2005 aged 25; he was considered for deportation but permitted to remain because it was deemed too dangerous to send him back to Somalia where the conflict continued. Some time between Christmas Day and New’s Year he fled the UK, returning to Somalia, apparently bearing his sister’s passport and disguised in a niqab.
Jama was not required to prove his identity by immigration staff. It has been further reported that Jama’s Uncle is a former Somalian Foreign Minister and his father a former MP and cousin of Mohamed Siad Barre the country’s ex-president who seized power in 1969 in a brutal military coup. Mustaf Jama is reportedly protected and hiding in Somalia.Mustaf Jama is still wanted by British police as the prime suspect for the murder of PC Sharon Beshenivsky.
Tags: Somalia
Sharon Beshenivsky
Hewan Gordon
Mustaf Jama
Muzzaker Shah
Previous bits on the murdering Somali scumfucks:bit one on shit hole Jama and bit 2 on shithole Jama and bit three on shithole Jama and bit 4 on shithole Jama and bit five on shithole Jama and bit six on shithole Jama
Here is the bit on the accused man who helped shield a police killer.
A man today pleaded guilty to assisting an offender in connection with the murder of a police officer.
On the first day of what was to be a five-day trial at Leeds Crown Court, Hewan Gordon, 36, admitted providing accommodation to Muzzaker Shah between November 25 and December 13, 2005.
Shah was convicted at Newcastle Crown Court last year of the murder of Pc Sharon Beshenivsky during a robbery at the Universal Travel Agents on Morley Street, Bradford, West Yorkshire, on November 18 2005.
Gordon appeared at Leeds Crown Court to face a charge that he "provided accommodation with intent to impede the apprehension or prosecution of Muzzaker Shah, a person who had committed the offence of murder, knowing or believing him to be guilty of that offence".
He was granted bail on condition that he resides at his address in Alexandra Road, Newport, Gwent.
Some bits on animal Mustaf Jama hiding out in cross dressing Somalia:
According to The Times, in 1993 Nadifa Egal a Somali woman arrived at Heathrow with three children and a Kenyan people trafficker who falsely claimed to be her husband. Mrs Egal described the danger from which her family were fleeing following tribal violence. The family were granted leave to remain and Mrs Egal set about contacting her four other children who had been sent to the UK in 1992. Soon after being granted leave to remain it is reported that Mrs Egal returned to Somalia leaving her seven children to be brought up by friends and relatives in London and Birmingham.
Mustaf Jama was 12 years old when he stood by his mother’s side at Heathrow in 1993. Eight years after arriving in the UK, Mustaf was jailed for burglary and robbery offences. After a string of violent criminal offences he was released from prison in 2005 aged 25; he was considered for deportation but permitted to remain because it was deemed too dangerous to send him back to Somalia where the conflict continued. Some time between Christmas Day and New’s Year he fled the UK, returning to Somalia, apparently bearing his sister’s passport and disguised in a niqab.
Jama was not required to prove his identity by immigration staff. It has been further reported that Jama’s Uncle is a former Somalian Foreign Minister and his father a former MP and cousin of Mohamed Siad Barre the country’s ex-president who seized power in 1969 in a brutal military coup. Mustaf Jama is reportedly protected and hiding in Somalia.Mustaf Jama is still wanted by British police as the prime suspect for the murder of PC Sharon Beshenivsky.
Tags: Somalia
Sharon Beshenivsky
Hewan Gordon
Mustaf Jama
Muzzaker Shah
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