And, just think the media still have not really covered her pro maxist, anti-American and anti troop ambitions:
* To distribute wealth evenly
* To help set up a Department of Peace
* To set up a Department of History where Cindy will be the first Secretary!
* To get the occupiers out of New Orleans
* To fight the perverse, murderous, genocidal, immoral empire
* To build a world in which the human being is really human
* To stop concealing torture camps in other countries allied to the empire
* To stop our government and corporatism from impoverishing or killing innocents
* To stop an invasion of Venezuela
* To stop US President George W. Bush in his "terrorism against the world"
* To sing communist hymns with fists raised
* To teach our troops that "Hajis," the brown skinned people of Iraq who clean their toilets, showers, and wash their clothes are NOT less than people
How sad and dishonest that the mainstream media kept this from the public.
Don't expect Cindy to be out of the limelight too long. After all, she would be a perfect fit for The View and there just happens to be an opening.
From http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2007/05/antiwar-mother-ends-road-show.html
now all we need is the looney tune from Cuba to fuck off and die, oh and that asshat from central America, Chavez to do the same and the planet will look a whole lot better.
Tags:Cindy Sheehan
Looney Leftie
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