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New Liebour - Patricia Hewitt Lied to the House of Commons

Yep caught bang to rights, Dr. Crippen has the full story but here it is in a nutshell. Thanks to timworstall for the link. Also Labour Watch have a piece on this Hewitt caught out again and some more links: rhetorically speaking smells a Patsy porkie! and so does drrant and lastly but by no means least even Devils Kitchen thinks there is the smell of Patsy firing off some untruths

She also just said 'there is no evidence that members of the public, or any other authorised people, other than ITN/Channel 4 News accessed the data',

Dr. Crippen is not from ITN/Channel 4 news, nor is he entitled to MTAS access. But it was he who checked that such access was indeed possible, tipped off the MTAS that there was the security breach.

  1. NHS BLOG DOCTOR was tipped off about it early that afternoon. At 14.10 on Thursday 26th April**, I published an article entitled “MTAS - would someone tell me this is not true." Within an hour I had proof positive that the breach existed.

  2. I telephoned Victoria Macdonald of Channel 4 news and gave her the story.

  3. I considered that, journalist scoop though this was, the security breach was appalling, and threatened the confidentially of doctors’ private job applications. I therefore telephoned the Department of Health and was finally put through to Mike Clement, the MTAS project manager. I notified him of the problem.

  4. I backed this phone call up with an email sent to Mike Clement at 15.59 on the same day.

  5. The MTAS site was taken down (by Mike Clement I assume) within a few minutes.
Exchange of e-mails all listed at Dr. Crippen

As she is a liar she should go forthwith, Patsy pack yr bags and turn the lights off on the way out. They just have to lie as a matter of course, they can't help it can they. Amoral bastards to a man, or in this case woman.

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