This makes me really angry, really really angry.
There are many many wankers out there, and yes I know it is only May but I feel that this worthless sack of shit will qualify for the wanker of the year award. So Peter Wales, you get the award mate. No really this chap for petty pen pushing, mindless rule following, ve ver only following ze orders, dot all the i's and cross all the t's, he can not be beaten. The sort of chap who would see people starve if the forms were not filled in correctly, had he lived in a past life he would be the sort of penpusher overseeing the Jewish "resettlement".
Thanks to http://mreugenides.blogspot.com/2007/05/jobsworth-mentality.html for this one, Mr Eugenides has many a good thing to say about the cuntbubble Peter Wales. This one story shows just what is wrong with this once great nation. A life gets saved as a result of Mrs King's actions and rather than a glowing letter of thanks and a pat on the back, its clear your desk your sacked.A Citizens Advice Bureau advisor who was sacked for breaking confidentiality rules after she phoned a suicidal woman's GP to save her life today won her claim for unfair dismissal.
Terri King, 58, was granted damages of just over £18,000 by the Southampton employment tribunal which said she did the right thing to call the doctor.
Mrs King acted after the distraught and sobbing client, who cannot be named, called and said she had taken an overdose of pills because of her problems with debt. Mrs King immediately alerted her client's GP, who was able to get to the woman and treat her.
But her boss at the Lymington branch of the CAB in Hampshire, Peter Wales, said she had made an "irrational and emotional error", the hearing was told. The divorced mother of three from Southampton then lost her £13,000 a year job last September due to breaching confidentiality.
Even common sense would dictate that a call to another professional, in this case a doctor who is hardly likely to be breaching anyones confidence is the right thing, the common sense thing to do. You can bet that had the unfortunate woman died that worthless sack of skin that passes for a human being Peter "DPA" Wales would not have taken any blame. He would have slithered out of that faster than Blair avoiding a question, instead he would have passed blame down the chain to say Mrs King and argued that she should have done more. Thats the way beancounters like him operate, pass the buck and when the shitstorm arrives blame someone, anyone else.
This beancounting little cock'd wanker thinks that the fucking Data Protection Act is of more importance than saving a human life. Well I hope that Peter Wales ends up in a position where someone has to save his life and they decide to follow "proper procedure" and not call help for him. You just know that a cock like him has got to be some sort of petty sexual deviant.
Where have we gone wrong that petty red tape, mindless rules get in the way of doing what is right by our fellow citizens?
I can not express enough how petty pen pushing bastards like this are the bane of our society, rather than do the decent thing he honestly belives that Mrs King acted in a and I quote his words here "irrational and emotional error" - well its called having compassion and humanity for ones fellow human beings, and the truely sad fact is that he will go to his grave thinking that he did the right thing.
The sad fact of life today is that emotionless beancounting cuntbubbles like Peter Wales infest all aspects of our society, putting petty rules and red tape above all else. Every office has them, hell you can double the number in local authorities, the House of Commons is full of them, so are the higher ranks of the police force, armed forces, health service etc etc and I hate each and every one of their worthless hides with every fibre of my being.
What a totally worthless twat he is.
Tags:Citizens Advice Bureau, Terri King, Peter Wales
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