Want a loan? http://blogs.mirror.co.uk/mirrorinvestigates/penman/feb2007/
Posted by Andrew Penman on 01 Feb 2007 at 11:40
By the time a reader contacts us they're often at the end of their tether and Anne Smith wasn't the first to call us in tears.
Which wasn't surprising since she'd just lost her home.
Her boyfriend had walked out leaving her with £5,000 rent arrears.
So she approached a firm in Cwmbran, Gwent, called Yes Loans for the necessary cash, was delighted to be "accepted" and paid a £49.50 fee.
Trouble is, this didn't mean she'd get the money.
Yes Loans, despite its name, doesn't have any money to lend.
It's a loan broker which may or may not find someone else who'll help you.
By the time Anne realised that she wouldn't be getting the money it was too late.
"I kept ringing them and nothing got done," she told us through her tears.
"I ended up getting evicted."
And, to rub salt into the wound, Yes Loans refused to refund her £49.50.
We asked the company what was going on and a spokesman explained that Yes Loans has changed its refunds policy.
It used to be the case that a customer would get their money back, minus a £5 admin charge, only after six months had elapsed and they hadn't got a loan.
Now Yes Loans says it gives refunds, if requested, to unsuccessful applicants at anytime.
"Miss Smith should have been given an immediate refund by the customer services representative she spoke to and we apologise for that error," the company told me.
"We have taken steps to remind all our customer services representatives once again of this recent update of policy."
So Anne has got a refund
Pity she won't be getting her house back.
for more check out: http://www.blagger.com/db4/company_id/574/companyname/Yes-Loans.html
**Had some mails from people at Yes, it seems that all the adverse publicity is getting them a tad worried. Well no sympathy from me chaps, if you play fast and loose with the laws, get featured on a BBC consumer affairs program and have bits about you in the papers then you can not blame anyone else.
Oh talking about the program, here it is still on You Tube(you gotta love it.)
Or read about his ban as a director:http://www.ginfo.pl/more/273171,HONEYMOON,IS,OVER,FOR,COMPUTER,DATING,AGENCY,BOSS.htmlOh here is the bit on the X-Ray site on dubious company Yes Loans: http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/x-ray/allarticles/stories/6p20_yesloans.shtml
But whats better is seeing the program on YouTube: http://newportcity.blogspot.com/2007/03/keith-wilmot-chorlton-now-on-you-tube.html
The bit on Chorlton getting banned as a director as reported in the Guardian: http://business.guardian.co.uk/story/0,,235408,00.html
The Mirror bit:
Yes Loans.http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/ddir/
Now on the first page when people search for "yes loans" in Google.http://www.blagger.com/db4/company_id/574/companyname/Yes-Loans.html
Tags: Keith Chorlton
Yes Loans
Gordon Bon
Mel Roberts
Gaby Cocchiria
Alan Spedding
Tintern House, William Brown Close
Llantarnam Park
Cwmbran NP44 3AB
Tel: 01633 712712 Fax 01633 712743
4 people have spoken:
Many many thanks for providing right information about yes loan. They should be exposed if they are abusing loans.
I work at yes and there has been talk - gordon bon has left the company - done a runner!!! can anyone else shed light on this? could this be the final straw to send chorlton off to the costa del sol??
Well well has our "let me find my glasses" - Gordon Bon Bon done a bunk, who knows maybe Keith will be off to a non extradition country soon.
I really like the blogs that has loans. As I read this blog I really like it and yeah really. Thanks for the information.
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