The true cost of BBC 1 is 1.4 billion pounds, some 600 million more than it was prepared to admit last year. BBC taxing the public:
Only off by 40%. Now could you see a private company being allowed to make that sort of accounting error?
After the departure of Michael Grade as chairman of the corporation, the BBC Trust has decided to include the costs of news gathering, marketing and other overheads for the first time in the BBC One budget. A year ago the BBC said that its spending on the channel was £840 million. On the revised basis the figure would have been £1.295 billion.A precise comparable figure for ITV1 is not available, but it spends about £1.1 billion, about £300 million less than its rival; its expenses include tax payments and the cost of advertising sales staff, neither of which are paid by the BBC.
Another long standing mess here in the UK that should have been sold off to the private sector years ago, welcome to Blair/Browns "Cool Britannia"
A little tune on the license tax.
A parody with more than a grain of truth in it:
Tags:BBC Bias
Balen Report
BBC, Public Waste, LIcence fee, BBC One,
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