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Don't mention the war.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the Polish prime minister, complained that Poland would have a far bigger population on which to base its EU voting power if it had not been for the Nazi invasion in September 1939 which started the war.

The Common Market, the forerunner of the EU, was formed in 1957 because European leaders were determined to prevent another conflict. Mr Kaczynski said a proposed new EU voting formula based on population size hurt his country because it had not recovered from its wartime losses.

"We are only demanding that we get back what was taken from us," he told Polish national radio.

"If Poland had not had to live through the years of 1939-45, Poland would be today looking at the demographics of a country of 66 million."
Poland brings up WW2 and the Germans are not happy, but not as unhappy as the Poles who are not happy with having their population reduced.

Over to Basil:

When Fawlty takes their order as “two egg mayonnaise, a prawn Goebbels, a Hermann Goering and four Colditz salads”, one of the furious guests asks: “Will you stop mentioning the War?” “You started it,” replies Fawlty.

“We did not start it,” the man responds.

“Yes you did, you invaded Poland.”


1 people have spoken:

Incognito said...

Well, they have a point.