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FJL(Felicity Jane Lowde) caught

Her collar has been felt by the fine boys and gals in blue.

Your nicked my son!

**Only one thing to add to that....OWNED!
Now I can get around to taking that blog button down as was getting sick of seeing her damn face. Well done to the fine boys and girls of the police on a job well done, oh and to everyone else who helped nail her.

Jailed and an asbo: Your bleeding nicked my son

Previous bits:

4 people have spoken:

Incognito said...

I hope she gets some heavy duty pysch counseling, because 6 months isn't very long and who knows what she'll do when she's released.

Fidothedog said...

Lets just hope part of the conditions is that they bar her from using the internet.

Rachel said...

It's good news. However, the article quoted is inaccurate. I did not 'ensnare' Lowde and wasn't 'talking online' to her at the time of her arrest.

Dan got the wrong end of the stick about the talking online thing...and the paper has now corrected the article, so it might be better to change it to the new version, especially as Lowde is likely to appeal?

Lowde was found following intelligence from the public.

I was out all yesterday so wasn't able to prevent the paper running the incorrect version online; but it has now been corrected.

It would be great of you could amend, the blogger response has been great and now the truth is out I'd like the whole truth to be out.

Thanks for the support. Thanks goodness this is over. I hope the psych.reprots lead to her beign treated and I mostly hope hs ejust leaves me alone now, forever.

Fidothedog said...

No worries thats easily resolved, article taken down until the hacks can get the facts 100% right.