About bloody time. Lets just hope he doesn't manage to wriggle out of a long prison term, mind you if the media reports about him being nearly broke are correct then he wont be able to afford Michael "moneybags" Mansfield QC this time around.
Barrymore the worthless lying sack of shit that he is has whined, moaned and bleated about how hard fucking done by he his and how everyone was against him from the start.
Well suck it up I say, not everyone has a corpse in the swimming pool, nor do they fuck off sharpish and then changes their story half a dozen bloody times over the next six years.
Nor do they sit there at the inquest leaving all the "difficult questions" to Michael Mansfield QC. The only sympathy I have is for the late Stuart Lubbocks family and not a self obcessed, second rate weasel of a comedian who runs off to the other side of the bleeding planet.

**Update - now they have let the sleazy fucker go again, I would joke that he could get away with murder but it looks like he can.
He should make with the pills and get on with it.
So various jokes etc about Barrymore.
Private Eye ran a front-page picture in which Barrymore was asked: "What killed Stuart Lubbock?" His balloon reply: "Buggered if I know!"
Michael Barrymore has just signed a contract for a new sitcom. Its called 'Only Pools & Corpses'
An Al-Qaeda Terrorist has been found dead in Michael Barrymore's swimming pool. Police suspect it was a suicide bumming
I just heard Don King has signed up Michael Barrymore................. he's meant to be shit hot with his fists in the ring
Do you know why there are no ashtrays in Michael Barrymore's house? He doesn't need them...he puts his fags out in the pool!!!
I heard Barrymore was found dead recently with a large amount of chocolate around his arse. George Michael is the prime suspect having been "Careless with his Whisper".
Q. What's the difference between Barrymore and a microwave? A. A microwave doesn't brown your meat
Why isn't Michael Barrymore doing any more pantomimes?He's already done Aladdin.
Michael Barrymore has offered Manchester United £1 million pounds to play as their striker because he wants 10 pricks behind him and 67,000 assholes jumping up and down.
Then that classic story about the Michael Barrymore pie click the link for details...
and of course the classic: The Spoof
Tags:Michael Barrymore
Michael Barrymore Jokes
4 people have spoken:
you think you can make all these jokes can you about Michael.
You have no idea, how about making some up about Terry and how he is tormenting Michael by using his name for publicity only to gain attention.
Leave Michael alone.
Anon, come on lighten up. Could be worse you could be getting swimming lessons off Mr Barrymore....
michael barrymore filmed setting up an aa meeting on tv (anynomous?) and now pubically back on the sauce. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes,why are people so grudgeful? Camon mr lubbic calm down it was an accident and your son unbeknown to you was a enthuastic cocksucker, so he had to be murdered, right. but barrymore was always shite, he used his madness is all and in the uk we love the insane. good story though
Michael is not a shite person and the same people are being biased again.
I love this man yeah I would take any lessons with him, I have performed with him also.
For god sake people why do you slate him so much.
He is such a lovely lovely man, you don't know the real man.
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