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Multiculuralism - Cool Britania- Thanks Blair & Co.

The media in Wales yesterday reported on how an alleged asylum seeker and his family, who had received more than £100,000 in emergency benefits from us – the taxpayers - didn’t tell the authorities they had thousands of pounds in cash at the home they’d been given! Well you know how it go's, a lot on ones mind and mere details just slip ones mind.

Indeed when Cardiff police and immigration officers went to the property in Seymour Street - they found £9,000 in cash! Just a bit of loose change stuck down the back of the sofa.

But it gets even more interesting. Discovered in the house where the alleged asylum-seeker (Mohammed Iqbal) lived with his wife and three children, were applications for a number of credit cards claiming he was earning over £20,000 a year – even though he was jobless.

When asked in Cardiff Crown Court why he was making such credit card applications, despite having £9,000 in cash, the individual concerned claimed it was because he was not allowed to work! So thats all right then, that excuses him attempting to fleece credit card companies.

In actual fact he said the £9,000 had been given to him by his brother to set up a business once his immigration status had been determined (given indefinite right to stay!) - There see thats all ok, a perfect excuse.

And, according to the media reports the recently convicted was “genuinely contrite” and his children are doing well in school (paid for by the taxpayer) and was in some ways a “model to others”. Well if one is planning a life of skulduggery and crime, fleecing the taxpayer for countless thousands a year to support him, his wive and tribe of kids then yes he is a role model.
Does anyone seriously believe that this individual, despite his recently acquired criminal record and “milking” of our benefits system, will have his application to remain refused?

To misquote the Holy Bible – “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for an alleged asylum-seeker to be removed from the Kingdom of Great Britain!”

Story may be read
Welcome to Cool Britania.

1 people have spoken:

Blazingcatfur said...

If you think that's bad come to Canada and meet our 1st Family of Terrorism - The Khadr's. Our former PM Cretin er Chretien actually personally intervened on Dad's behalf and had him released from a Pakistani prison where he was being held as a suspected Al Queda operative. Son of a Gun, turns out he was as is the whole stinking family.