A FRAIL war veteran has suffered the ultimate insult – yobs have daubed swastikas and Nazi graffiti over his Sheffield home.
Arnold Holland risked everything fighting for his country during World War II but now at the age of 85 he says his life is being made a misery by vandals.For the last seven years he says he has had a heartbreaking campaign of intimidation waged against him and his wife Annie.
Attacks have included having bitumen slapped on his house, a breeze block through his window and even adverts claiming his house and everything in it was up for sale.
It took Arnold and Annie, aged 84, five days to get the bitumen off their windows after the last attack and even now they say some of it can still be seen.
But with angina, arthritis, only one lung and extremely severe digestion problems Arnold feels he can't bear to begin the latest clean-up operation.
Arnold said: "It makes you wonder what you fought for in the war when you have to live like this – this is how they treat us. I don't know what I can do. We are in our eighties and we can't clean this off ourselves - we just can't put up with this any more."
His wife Annie was born in their house on Haxby Street in Normanton Springs but now the couple are at the end of their tether. They say they feel they have nowhere left to turn.
Their attackers have been branded "cowards" by the couple's friends and family but so far the police have been unable to do anything to stop it.
Waking up to find both sides of his house covered in Nazi graffiti was the final straw for Arnold who served in the North and South Atlantic with the Royal Navy during World War II.
He has contacted the police again and is writing to council chief executive Bob Kerslake in a desperate bid to get some help.
Arnold said: "We rely on the law but it doesn't seem to get any better. We are just so fed up and now the swastikas are there for everybody to see."
Inspector Colin Mcfarlane from the Woodhouse and Mosborough Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: "This is a serious matter and we are currently pursuing all possible lines of enquiry to identify the persons responsible.
The incident is believed to have occurred between midnight on Wednesday June 13 and 3am on Thursday June 14. I would urge anyone with information to come forward."
**Sadly this is way Blairs Brave New Britain is being run, were he not to pay his poll tax on time or to light up in the wrong area he would see many a police office on his door. That a man who has put his life on the line can have worthless scum treat him like that and for the police to ignore this for so long shows how bad things have got here in Blairs Cool Britania.
Of course if(and that is a big if) the police actually do catch the worthless scum, you can be sure that they will be either let off or given a short time behind bars, which in turn will be cut due to lack of prison places. That said they even reward the worthless jail scum with two hundred quid when they are let out prison early.
Yes some 25,500 prisoners will be released early over the next year, thats 25,500 more drug addicts, perverts, thieves and petty crooks back on the streets each with 200 pounds of tax payers money in their back pockets. So much for the tough on crime crap Mr Blair!
Such a shame that the same authorities can not give two hundred pounds to Mr & Mrs Holland, but would rather reward the filth who cause the problems. After all the liberal elite who have taken over the prison service, local authorities and agencies like the CPS don't actually belive in punishment any more.
One would think that a government that pisses away 2billion on consultants in a year could have spent that money on a few new prisons and so ensure that the worthless scum serve the full time behind bars.
Its strange that we have a society(or rather what is left of one) that is more concerned over the "rights" of spiders than that of its own OAP's to live their lives in peace.
Welcome to Cool Britania.
Other reports on this in the media are: here and here and here and here and here and here.
Tags:Arnold Holland
Cool Britania
PC Policing
New Labour
Royal Navy
2 people have spoken:
That's disgusting; if there was ever a time for vigilante action, this is it.
True enough Bob, except the poor criminal darlings are protected by Human Rights Acts and have a whole hoard of leftie social workers - Guardian reading, tofu eating vegan twats to be fair - who care more the poor oppressed villan than the real victims.
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