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PC Britain/Cool Britania - Pictures Banned from RAF planes.

From the Daily Mail, with thanks to IG:

In killer heels and little else, they have a definite deadly charm.

But the risque images of women that have decorated warplanes since the First World War have been scrubbed out.

The Ministry of Defence has decreed they could offend the RAF's female personnel.

Officials admitted they had no record of any complaints from the 5,400 women in the RAF.

But commanders are erring firmly on the side of caution and "nose art", as it is known, has been consigned to the history books.
Harrier jump jet bombers currently launching daily airstrikes against the Taliban in southern

Afghanistan have been scrubbed clean to comply with the orders.

Critics said the MoD should be focusing on more important issues - such as the quality and quantity of equipment available to British forces sent off to war.

Nose art first appeared on warplanes during the First World War and enjoyed a golden age during the Second World War when thousands of American fighters and bombers were decorated with pictures of glamorous women.
Military commanders tolerated the practice as a morale booster....

The decision to ban the images followed a visit by glamour models to southern Afghanistan before Christmas. During the trip they signed paintings of themselves on RAF aircraft.

Commanders decided the images were sexist and insisted there was no place for them in the modern armed forces.

There was also concern that they could cause offence in a muslim country where until 2001 all women were forced to wear the head-to-toe burkha in public.

**One has to think the irony of that is lost on the top brass. Our planes are bombing taliban terrorists and they remove pictures that may cause offense to moslems.

Another sad day as free expression is banned for fear of causing offense, when the pen pushers can tick another box on the "correctness measure" form. Another part of our heritage consigned to the history books.

Model Michelle Marsh signing a 'regulation' silhouetted image of herself on a Harrier plane during her Afghanistan trip.

**Now removed for fear of causing offense to women.

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4 people have spoken:

Blazingcatfur said...

Unbelievably stupid, appallingly so.

Scott Freeman said...

We train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write "fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene!

velvethammer said...

How asinine. There is nothing wrong with a little cheese cake, if it helps boost the morale of Soldiers who put their lives on the line 24/7.

And shouldn't top brass have balls to match?

Fidothedog said...

Yet another thing wrong with Blairs Cool Britania,