Got a long weekend of gaming with Medieval Total War 2 planned, shall be getting some beer in later and spending the whole weekend playing this. Played it a few nights back over at a friends house and had been planning on buying this for a while - when I finally stopped playing I bought it online - and wish I had picked it up some time back.
2 people have spoken:
The first Total War I played was Rome, and it was absolutely bloody fantastic. I played through it several times. Medieval was, I suppose, technically better in many respects, but I never actually finished it. I think that was partly because my campaign went a bit awry and I got stuck in a rut that I couldn't seem to get out of, but also perhaps because it wasn't different enough from Rome, which I played to death, for me to be grabbed by it.
Medieval 2 is the dogs dangly bits and then some. To say that it rocks is an understatement.
It would be like me saying that Paul Flynn Mp is a worthless cunt, true but does not insult him enough.
Oh and re Rome have you checked out Rome Total Realism mod? lots of extra citys, units and even updated music. A work of genius that just adds to Rome.
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