What with all the rubbish about some bint being hauled off Big Brother for using the word Nigga, or was it Nigger. Anyway here is another use of the N word being censored.
Oh and some bits about the Dambusters and the use of the word Nigger, with regards a dogs name:
Despite changes to and tests with the weapon continuing until only days before the raid was planned to take place, many problems were overcome and on the night of Sunday May 16th 1943, 19 Lancasters took off for the Dams, in three waves; Gibson's flight to attack the Mohne and Eder, McCarthy's to attack the Sorpe, and a mobile reserve and diversionary force led by Townsend. A full moon lit the night sky, making normal operations impossible. An apparently bad omen was that Gibson's black Labrador, Nigger, had been run over and killed as the crews were being briefed for the operation. Gibson had given orders that Nigger was to be buried at midnight on the grass verge outside his office; he had the premonition that he and Nigger would be going into the ground at the same time. The car's driver, a doctor from Grantham, did actually stop.
(It's interesting to note that on some versions of the film, the name "Nigger" is either cut out or voice-overed. The prospect of adjusting history in the interests of Politically Correct Stupidity never ceases to amaze me. It is apparently PC to remind the Germans they lost the war but not PC to say the correct name of a dog. In this context, who could take offence? The editing required to eliminate the name of Gibson's dog also results in some important tracts of the film being lost.) - Hat tip to Sterling Times.
4 people have spoken:
Lets not forget how a care nurse who have serve her patients with distinction was disciplined for quoting the title of an Agartha Christie novel - "Ten Little Niggers".
Ah yes, completely forgot about that one, so a Google search later and I have posted a pic of that as well as the later Nigger.
They would never allow that picture these days, the man is smoking!!!!
If you listen carefully to reports of the war it was 'Nazis' that did all the nasty things, not Germans.
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