Got riddance to bad rubbish, just don't mention the fact that they are moslems....
Sorry Gordon!

**Again I give thanks that these moslem asshats failed, had they spent a little more time on maths and chemistry and a little less reading the Korma, sorry Koran things could have been a lot worse.
Oh and I forsee a rather large political shitstorm a brewing over the fact that these cunts were - and still are in my book - a bunch of illegals who rather than getting a chance of a better life in the Uk, should have been kicked out years ago.
Tags: Muktah Said Ibrahim, Terrorism, Hussein Osman, Yassin Omar, Ramzi Mohammed, Adel Yahya, July 21, Jihad,
3 people have spoken:
EU directive to Gordon Brownnose
Muslim terrorists are to be described as 'Non-Buddhist activists'
Car bombs are 'Traffic incidents'
Anthrax is '48 hour flu'
Ricin is 'Bean sauce'
Dhimmitude is 'Interfaith dialogue'
Dirty bomb radiation is 'Magic moonbeams'
Muslim criminality is 'Cultural enrichment'
Pedophile rings are 'Koranic study groups'
Grooming is 'Youth outreach'
Kebab takeaways are 'Protein recycling facilities'
Planes crashing into buildings are 'Air traffic control errors'
Al Quada policemen are 'Community liaison officers'
Muslim medical malpractice is 'Patient mortality rate variability'
All muzzies
All on the dole
All in council houses
All with little or no connection with the UK
All useless at making bombs
All bloody ugly
We can thank this government for this!
Thank them for the terror, the human bombs, the communities of hate that live off us!
This government lets them in, still! And they wonder why all this is happening?
The more I see of it, the more I'm begining to think they actually want them to come here, they actually want to sponser Islamic terror here in Britain!
Every time the muslims detonate a bomb, the government uses it to frighten people into allowing the government more power, the government has been trying for over a decade to force ID cards on us, how many more bombs will it take?
How many more dead before the state declares internment?
Do you really think muslims would be the only ones interned?
This government is our enemy, it is the traitor. We owe it no allegiance, nothing. We have only ourselves.
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