The 52 people below were murdered by moslem terrorists operating in the UK, and two years on we now have another PM who lacks the moral resolve to tackle moslem terror and the causes of it here in the UK.
His recent speech where he whittered on about terrorists coming from all quarters, making no reference to Islam in any way just showed how much work still needs to be done.
The PM has ordered no one in his administration to use the terms "war on terror" or "Islamic terrorist." No one is to use them, and the same mad concept is now being wheeled out across the whole EU zone and no one shall be in any way allowed to point out that Molem terrorism is related to Moslem terrorism.
Let's ignore 14 centuries of mass murder, invasion, enslavement, robbery, rape and oppression by the Moslem religion, and problem solved. As if by magic the whole problem is whitewashed away. If we don't mention it, it doesn't exist. George Orwell would be proud, that is some fine "newspeak" .
Thus the new way, shall class terrorism, as well just another random event, like say a storm, a flood, just events that happen. No blame to be attached in their pc world to the followers of a certain religion.
What they fail to realise, and by that I refer to Gordon Brown and many other politicians out there, is that terror attacks have nothing to do with Iraq, Palestine or any other pet issue. Instead it is the perversion of religion to wage war. A mindset that believes that they are right and all others are not only wrong, but deserve to be killed and doing so is Gods work.
The problem is that many in the media and government still do not realise that, they have the misguided belief that sitting down with them at a meeting over tea and biscuits will somehow resolve the problem.
Britain has had two years to tackle moslem terror, two years to focus on clearing out jihadist hell raisers from the UK, two years to resolve a proper policy to jail dangers to the public rather than piss poor control orders, two years to track migrants and other undesirables, two years to clean house.
They have failed, we as a nation have looked away rather than tackle the problem head on, they the politicians have failed the people who died on 7/7 and will have the blood of those who die in any future attacks on their hands. Shame on the lot of them.
Welcome to Blair & Browns Cool Britannia.
Link to BBC site: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/uk/05/london_blasts/victims/default.stm
and Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_July_2005_London_bombings
One good sign: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/glasgow_and_west/6279416.stm
Al Qaeda
War on Terror
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