Nice little earner if you can get it. Story from the Daily Mail.
See I now know where I and 99.9% of the people in this nation have gone wrong, forget this working for a living game, forget the struggle, hell forget all about paying through the nose in taxes.
Hell shack up with some skank of a woman, have her pop out a whole tribe of junior chavscum and sit my arse down in front of the telly on a whacking great £44,000 in benefits a year, oh and don't forget that nice £500,000 property, thanks to the local council.
Oh no property ladder for me. No huge mortgage payments each month, no struggle juggling the bills and worrying over which needs paying first.
Oh and if your not happy with your current abode, here is an idea have one of the chavscum burn the place down: West Berkshire County Council gave them the keys after their previous council home burnt down in a blaze sparked by one of the couple's children. Their latest home, formerly a hotel, is estimated to have cost £350,000 to buy and a further £150,000 to renovate with double-glazing, carpets, central heating and furniture.
What the fuck? The place go's up in smoke and they get a reward of a bigger house. What the fuck is wrong with temporary accomadation. Am I the only one who sees that as slightly suspect? Oh and its bloody decorated for the lazy pack of scroungers as well, no trips to IKEA for this lot.
They receive the equivalent of £44,000 a year in benefits, a figure made up of £1,500 a month housing benefit; £1,200 a month child tax credit; £560 a month child benefits; £280 job seeker's allowance and £1,600 a year in council tax. Ker-fucking-Ching!
And whilst you are digesting those figures, get this the next time your stood at the bus stop, cold and rain pouring down from on high and a whole weeks work awaiting you on a Monday morning. When asked why they don't work, the couple say that looking after their children is a full time job. And they claim they would earn less working than they do claiming the dole.
Yep and that makes them a pair of lazy cunts, many of my friends have kids, drag themselves into work to pay the bills and hold down shit jobs, think about that the next time you have a shit day. Yes: you, me and the rest of us who have not shacked up with a chavscum skank in order to pop out a benefits team of sprogs are all a pack of damn fools.
However, their MP, Labour's Martin Salter, has said "There is no excuse for any able-bodied person to be long-term unemployed in Reading, where jobs are plentiful. Well that is true, but what MP Martin Salter has not realised is that they do not care, for them benefits for the whole hoard are what come first.
Mr Gillespie, 34, said: "We're not scroungers and if it was economical for me to work then I would do. - Oh really, so lets recap here: he had a job and gave his job up. In short he chooses to live an indolent, baby producing life at the expense of the rest of us. Having given up a job how exactly can he dare to claim jobseakers allowance? Sounds like Mr Gillespie is a scrounging fuck of the first order.
He bleats on "We can just about survive on the money we've got but I can't give my kids nice things that other parents could like days out, and if I were working I could afford them." - Wait a minute, £44,000 a year in benefits.
That, Mr fucking Gillespie, is more than I and my wife clear a year, oh and we don't get any state help with council tax etc etc. So fuck you and you plaintive fucking whining you fucking wasting scum.
But wait it gets better:
Paul and Samantha have eight children together and she has four from a previous relationship, making 12 in total. Fucking hell, buy the bloody woman a tv. Either than or spay the woman.
The children they have had together are Harry 10, Parris Jordan 8, Kesla 8, Mason 7, Peaches 7, Logan 5, Skye 3 and Californya 3.
Samantha's children from her previous relationship are Craig 17, Adam 16, Jack 14 and Rebekah 13.
Methinks they have been using the chav baby namer...
West Berkshire Council was unavailable for comment. Not suprising, they love to spend our money, but hate having to justify it afterwards...
Welcome to Blair/Brown's Cool Brittania.Tags:Chavscum
Carl Gillespie
Samantha Gillespie
Cool Brittania
1 people have spoken:
My mother in law works at the local hospital and was chatting with her work mates when one of the announced that she was paying for her daughter's diving lessons. The daughter is a single mum living in council accomadation on benefits. One of her work mates piped up
"you must be mad paying for her driving lessons, the social will pay"
And they did.
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