So whats your council spending your tax money on? Schools, hospitals, maybe a few policemen & women on the beat, or how about filling in some of those pot holes in the roads? Oh no nothing as frivolous as that.
You see climate change according to this, is the main threat to us all. So bugger schools, bugger the ill and dying, bugger the victims of crime and bugger the road repairs.
Council leaders are paying out £100 million to fund an army of 3,500 workers to tackle climate change, it can be disclosed.
The figures from 25 councils published in today’s “Sunday Telegraph” were obtained by the Taxpayers’ Alliance and show that councils on average employ eight people to work on climate change issues with grand titles such as "carbon reduction advisors" and "climate change managers". (How about a more accurate title of "I'm paid a packet whilst your gran dies alone and in pain due to hospital cuts.") If that figure were repeated across all 442 councils in the UK, the total number of council staff employed to deal with the environmental agenda would be 3,494. The average salary paid to such staff was £29,283, suggesting a total expenditure by councils across the UK of £102 million.
Despite the high profile issue of global warming which has dominated the political agenda in the past few months and spurred an emotional popular debate in the media, scientists remain undecided on the facts of global warming, its effects and its causes.
It may be a convenient mechanism by which central government can impose new taxes, new surveillance and a further level of bureaucracy to suit a Marxist totalitarianism of control, repression and government involvement in every aspect of our individual lives.
News of the spending comes as many local authorities face criticism for axing weekly rubbish collections and reducing long-term care for the elderly. Help the Aged recently warned it was "deeply worried" about councils slashing the number of people eligible for carers in their homes and underinvestment in residential care. Since 1997/98, the average council tax bill has almost doubled from £564 to £1,078.
In the east London borough of Tower Hamlets, the capital's poorest local authority and among the nation's worst for recycling, 58 employees have job titles or job descriptions that contain "climate change" or "global warming".
In Hull, the city council has 30 staff working on environmentally friendly policies. In Nottingham, 22 staff are employed to deal with issues around global warming, in addition to 70 volunteer "green champions".

"Hull's young environmental champions will do battle with the evil forces of litter and pollution"
- reminds me another youth movement set up by another bunch of socialists who loved to dictate to people.
They were called the Hitler-Jugend
How nice for the taxpayers of Hull who whilst swimming out of their flooded houses of a morning, know that their masters in the council are tackling the real manace of litter. I am sure their hearts are filled with joy whilst sitting on the gondola to work.
Matthew Sinclair, policy analyst at Taxpayers' Alliance, said: "Town halls are spending more and more of our money so they can just say they are doing something on climate change.
"It is an expensive and futile gesture when China is building a coal power station every ten days." **But this is the important point, it gives the council the ability to pontificate on how we should all recycle, how we are all evil doer's who need to be saved from the heresy of climate change denial. And if they can dictate to the people who pay for it all, then all the better.
In the same issue of the Telegraph, columnist Christopher Booker takes on not only the warmists over the recent attempted rebuttal of the research on the sun's role in climate change, but also the BBC for adopting a bias stance.
Booker concludes, "Far from being settled, this debate is just beginning to get really interesting" and, in this, he gets unexpected support from Dr David Whitehouse, an astronomer, former BBC science correspondent, and the author of The Sun: A Biography.
In a comment piece headlined: "The truth is, we can't ignore the sun", Whitehouse also takes a tilt at the BBC, calling it "enthusiastically one-sided, sloppy and confused", and condemns it for not including any criticism of the research on the sun's role in global warming.
Whitehouse too concludes that it is apparent that the last decade shows no warming trend and recent successive annual global temperatures are well within each year's measurement errors. Statistically the world's temperature, he writes, is flat. The world certainly warmed between 1975 and 1998, but in the past 10 years it has not been increasing at the rate it did. No scientist could honestly look at global temperatures over the past decade and see a rising curve.
Original article here
I shall end with a comment by A A Gill:
"But let me tell you, you Peruvian-hatted puritan apostles of grassy nihilism, the single hottest problem facing the planet is not global warming, but the viciously smug fundamentalist prohibitionists of the green movement. Those wholemealy-mouthed ecologists, who devoutly wish to reduce everyone else’s existence to a self-righteous nose-drip probity that never moves more than four miles from the communal yurt, never eats anything that hasn’t been grown in the communal dung and never thinks anything that isn’t collectively miserabilist, are going to destroy life as we know it faster than an equator of traffic jams, a continent of unlagged lofts and a squadron of circling jumbos.
What is stopping vast numbers of perfectly decent concerned folk getting with the programme is the eye-rolling, dismissive loathing of the people yelling at them to get with the programme. Frankly, they would rather go up in smoke than share a tent with you lot"
Ass hat treehugger go's for a swim. post1
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Tags: Climate Change, Cool Brittania, Looney Lefties, Treehuggers, AA Gill, Councils, Nanny State
Ass hat treehugger go's for a swim. post1
More on eco fascism
Al Gore eco fascist loon
No debate from environazi's
Moonbat MP Paul Flynn howls at the moon
Threaten those who deny climate change
Chech president talks sense
Margaret Beckett talks out of her arse(again)
Tags: Climate Change, Cool Brittania, Looney Lefties, Treehuggers, AA Gill, Councils, Nanny State
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