For civilized people everywhere, laugh at your enemies. A musical in the spirit of Mel Brooks.
Time to sit back and awaiting the seething and rage from the usual rage boy suspects on this one.
The plot sees its hero, Sayid al-Boom, 'lured by a veiled, poppy-exporting femme fatale' into the lair of a band of jihadis. He is then manipulated by a sinister reporter and so caught, emblematically speaking, 'between the terrorists and bloodthirsty global media'. Help apparently finally turns up in the form of 'a surrender-prone Frenchman' and his sister. The posters for the show bear the tag-line 'The West shall not be won (again) so long as we have a high-kicking chorus line'.
Worthy of a post if for no more reason than this song: Turned & ran.

Quick links:
Press concerns, please contact Lisa Kingsnorth at SPIN Marketing.
For more information, please contact:
jihad the musical at yahoo dot com
Tags: Jihad the musicalHumour
2 people have spoken:
Holy shit dude! That was a riot! Great find! I'm going to repost on The Sniper. Love your blog by the way. I'll be adding a link to it this morning. You just made my list... which is a good thing.
Cheers sniper, added you to the roll.
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