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Moslem crossdressing

Now I have commented on moslems dressing up in womens garb before, and I was thinking about the reasons that so called hard line moslems could find to justify dressing up like a lady.

After all we have all heard the various religious leaders banging on about morality and how the infidel west is decadent, unlike the moral islamic world. Yet time and time again we find cases of moslems dressing up like one of the daleks of death.

The latest one is firebrand cleric Abdul Aziz whose calls for Jihad against the West and everyone else in the world, yet turns out to be a crossdresser.

When bullets started flying down at the Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) in Pakistan, this leader decided discretion was the better part of valour. I am reminded of Sir Robin the Not So Brave from Monty Python's Holy Grail film here.

And like Reg in the Life of Brian he leaves his men to die, he in the mean time found a phone box and like Superman(or is that Supergirl?) changed into his lady outfit and hid his cowardly arse in with 20 real women.

Then slunk out the back of the Red Mosque dressed as one of the Daleks of Death. Not for him the exit of the Martyr and a life with the 72 virgins in paradise paid for with a bullet. Alas his Baldric style cunning plan backfired and his rather large pot belly gave him away and he was dragged out of the hen party and arrested. A bit more on the crossdresser is here: But I am a lady honest!
Then we have Afghani ladyboy Mullah Mahmood, a senior Taliban commander and suicide attack facilitator, was caught by the ANA at a checkpoint as he tried to escape from Panjawaii in Kandahar Province. Exacerbated by military maneuvers in Panjawaii, Mahmood was forced to escape by disguising himself in a burqa. Now he can add prisoner of the infidel and crossdresser to his cv. ANA soldiers noticed the ruse and arrested him. But I am a lady honest 2

Oh and who could forget Mustaf Jama, a Somali who was allowed to stay as Somalia was to dangerous for the poor dear. Then fled back their in a burka after killing a policewoman. Mustaf Jama flees in a frock after shooting a policewoman.

Update on scumfuck Mustaf Jama:

According to The Times, in 1993 Nadifa Egal a Somali woman arrived at Heathrow with three children and a Kenyan people trafficker who falsely claimed to be her husband. Mrs Egal described the danger from which her family were fleeing following tribal violence. The family were granted leave to remain and Mrs Egal set about contacting her four other children who had been sent to the UK in 1992. Soon after being granted leave to remain it is reported that Mrs Egal returned to Somalia leaving her seven children to be brought up by friends and relatives in London and Birmingham.

Mustaf Jama was 12 years old when he stood by his mother’s side at Heathrow in 1993. Eight years after arriving in the UK, Mustaf was jailed for burglary and robbery offences. After a string of violent criminal offences he was released from prison in 2005 aged 25; he was considered for deportation but permitted to remain because it was deemed too dangerous to send him back to Somalia where the conflict continued. Some time between Christmas Day and New’s Year he fled the UK, returning to Somalia, apparently bearing his sister’s passport and disguised in a niqab. Jama was not required to prove his identity by immigration staff.

It has been further reported that Jama’s Uncle is a former Somalian Foreign Minister and his father a former MP and cousin of Mohamed Siad Barre the country’s ex-president who seized power in 1969 in a brutal military coup. Mustaf Jama is reportedly protected and hiding in Somalia.

Mustaf Jama is still wanted by British police as the prime suspect for the murder of PC Sharon Beshenivsky.

Not finished yet, next up on the lady boy line up is Yassin Omar one of the 21/7 bombers who attempted to blow himself up and then took a burka from his mother in law. Well that is his excuse anyway, here is a bit from the BBC on this . No mention if it was just the burka he took, or if he also went for the bra and panties as well?

But there is more: From Jihad Watch we have this gem: But I am a lady honest 3

"Pakistan police arrests two Islamic militants with explosives," from the Islamic Republic News Agency:

Pakistani police on Tuesday arrested two suspected Islamic militants with explosives and bomb-making literature near the industrial city of Faisalabad.

The report received on Tuesday said that one of the bearded men was wearing a head-to-toe veil, (burqa) worn by many conservative women in Pakistan.

The suspects are believed to be members of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, an extremist Sunni Muslim militant group that was banned in 2001 for attack.

The report said that the two suspects were found carrying 16 kg (35 pounds) of explosives.

And lastly some bank robbers who - yes you guessed it - have a think for dressing up as moslem ladies: Frock wearing chaps, sorry burka wearing chaps attempt to rob a bank.

SARAJEVO (Reuters) - Two armed men disguised as Muslim women in burqas held up a bank in Sarajevo and got away with some $40,000, Bosnian police said on Tuesday.

They said the pair entered a Union bank branch in the capital wearing head-to-toe black dresses and veils typical of women adhering to the orthodox Islamic code and trained guns on customers. They then made customers lie on the floor while the emptied the tills, police added.

Ok another excuse to put on that cool clip of John giving some jihadist a sound beating.

Lastly a bit of sillyness when the Little Mermaid was dressed up as a moslem lady: But I am a lady honest 4. The statue has been targeted a few times by vandals and four years ago was blown off its perch by vandals using explosives, that said now she has a burka she is bound to be beheaded or blown up again.



3 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

The Red Mosque cross-dresser was being checked out by a female Pakistani policewoman. A WOMAN, can you imagine his insult.

You are right, they have no problems dressing up like women, having sex with animals and children, and gay sex. In Pakistan a group of men invited a Christian to convert to Islam. When he refused, they started beating and RAPING him, this continued all night long, over and over. The police would not get him medical attention.

They are sexually repressed and take it out on innocents.

Fidothedog said...

Well said Debbie.

Anonymous said...

Please call things by their true name.

They were not "inviting", but rather violently willing to force to convert a christian into a muslim.

No difference between "moderate muslims" and "extremist muslims". They are all the same, only behaving moderate when they cannot impose their stuff.