Polly Toynbee - not my usual reading material but it was pointed out to me and so after taking a deep breath I read the Guardian online. Yes the poisonous Harpy of the uber rich new leftists, mother of the New Liebour hypocrisy brigade sticks her poison into Boris.
Boris the jester, toff, serial liar and sociopath for mayorJester is he? Well that's good better a jester than some parasite like Red Ken, a man who courts dictators by the score, hates Jews and opens his doors to jihadists and islamoloons galore. Whilst at the same time paying scant regard to the people of London.
Rather a jester like Boris than a harpy like Toynbee, still its typical that Tynbee stands for a socialist system that over the last hundred years has killed hundreds of millions of people across the planet. Her so called socialist utopia is nothing more than a cause of mass murder.
As for the Toff part, well Toynbee is the typical upper crust woman turned socialist, who rails in some way of covering up her frustrations against her class, attempting through socialism to stop anyone from having the privileges that she had, whilst raking in a fortune from the Guardian.
Liar? Well check this blogger out: counting the lies, errors and rewriting of facts to fit the bitter woman Polly's socialist dreamworld.
Oh and of course loony lefty Paul Flynn MP, a man(and I use that word loosely to describe him) who was found guilty of libel jumps on the bandwagon on his "read my shit, sorry day" blog. How ironic a man who's word was ripped apart in court, who had to stmp up a groveling apology along with over 30 grand, gloating over Polly calling Boris a liar. Oh Paul Flynn if you read this, then I still think you are a gutless, worthless lying cunt of the first order and when you die(hopefully soon and in great agony I hope) I shall piss on your grave. A man who had to apologise and took said apology down off his site at the first chance and has since stated that despite being forced to apologise, he thinks he was right.
Typical socialist in fact, but I digress and so back to moonbat Polly & Boris.
Next up she calls him a sociopath! I was not aware that a hack on The Guardian had qualified in medicine. Unless of course she has kept that very quiet, which considering the way she loves to lecture people I think is highly unlikely.
The best thing is that Polly states that she believes that it would be bad is Boris was running London, yet that is the whole point. London can and the people of that fine city can (if given the chance) run their own lives and affairs. They do not need the guiding socialist hand of father state micromanaging each aspect of their lives. This is something that Boris believes in unlike Red Ken.
I quote the mad woman Polly here:
David Cameron has just made his worst mistake. He will bitterly regret the day he encouraged Boris Johnson to stand as London's mayor. What does it say about the desperate state of the Conservatives that they will put up a clown to run a great global city?Really an Ken has done a good job? Hardly, still it will at the end of the day be down to the voters, something that Polly wishes(like all socialists) we did not have in this nation. Far better than some Liebour hack be appointed, oh you can smell the bitterness exuding from Polly over the fact that Boris is standing.
Some more of her twisted bile here:
No doubt the Boris bandwagon will be good circus entertainment, and his japes may be endlessly forgiven with one of his rumpled "Cripes!" apologies. But everything foppish, buffoonish and essentially unserious about his raffish progress through London will mirror exactly what people already think about Cameron and Osborne's Etonocracy. Everything they are trying to shake off will be writ large as Boris represents the Cameroons. They are struggling for gravitas but Boris will strip it away from them.Hmmm. Anyone remember the Red Ken jibe to that Daily Mail hack? When he told a Jewish reporter that he was like a German concentration camp guard. So according to that argument Ken could qualify as circus entertainment. Oh and at least Boris is one of the few politicians out there that apologises and means it. Unlike Red Ken or Paul Flynn.
Another bit:
But it's truly alarming that he who has never run anything except his own image...Er, not true he has run The Spectator, and is the editor of the biggest political weekly magazine. Which is far far more than second rate hack Polly has ever managed in her entire life.
And the site to Back Boris, is here!
And here are some others backing Boris:
First off the Carnival of the Polly-kicking and also Prodicus and Tim Worstall and Libertarian Alliance blog and The Spectator and Conservative Party Reptile
also best comment so far that hit the nail right on the head re Polly and her double standards was this from reactionarysnob who said:
- She is a class warrior - she despises Boris because he is clearly, despite his japes and gaffes, becuase of what he is. How often does she toff, Etonian or posh in the article? She cannot stand the man's background - that is what motivates her to write these pieces. Not only is she a hypocrite (she, herself, went to Oxford and sent her kid to private school) but it makes her, in my opinion, the sort of person one would rather not have a decent glass of vino with of an evening.
- I would observe a couple of things. Polly says: But when it comes to gaffes, it'll be a no-contest win for Johnson who can't resist the temptation to be (charmingly) offensive in every column he writes and every lucrative speech he makes."
- As opposed to Ken, with his "concentration camp" rant, his quip that Mao's ending of the practice of foot-binding justified anything else he might have done, his likening of Tianaman Square (death from police/military actions - thousands) to the Poll Tax riots (deaths from police actions - nil), his infamous meeting with an extremist Muslim cleric, his rant at two Jewish businessmen that they should go back to Iran ...
Tags:Paul Flynn MP
Polly Toynbee
Boris Johnson
New Labour
Looney Lefties
Lastly check this out: a small clip on south wales politics
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