

The National Debt Clock.

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BBC - You only need our view - hearing more than one view is confusing.

[Peter Horrocks, head of television news] said: "We have heard sceptics' voices very regularly on our programmes, but I think having this range of voices has made people think there is more doubt about climate change than there actually is."

So there you have the BBC's view. Not the view of the many people who question the evidence, poor though it be.

Compare this with Martin Durkin, who produced Channel 4's controversial The Great Climate Change Swindle, called the BBC "soft Left" and "soft green" and said it no longer adequately reports challenges to the consensus.

BBC is pushing the Planet Relief with overpaid tosspot Jonathan Ross and a host of publicly funded- that is through the license tax - loveies all living high on the hog at our expense and talking down to the rest of us mere plebs.

Anna Ford a newsreader who left the BBC over its atmosphere of fear, said :
  • "I must sound very old fashioned when I use the word vulgarity, but we are constantly seeing people on screen who are of low intelligence and low educational and whose views on everything seem to be made important."
Sounds like a perfect description of the overpaid and talentless cunts Jonathan Ross and (P)Ricky Garvais. Planet Relief a more apt name would be "Hand Relief". Yet more wank from the publicly funded, biased and piss poor BBC.

A little tune on the license tax.

A parody with more than a grain of truth in it:



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