Beverly - I resigned once already but that was just petty posturing for some media headlines and I am now back again under Gordon "cyclops" Brown - Hughes stated that David Cameron was wrong to mention crime and that it's "irresponsible scaremongering from an increasingly opportunist and desperate politician".
Really, a quick scan of the papers and other media shows that young people are killing each other, shootings are on the increase along with stabbings.
Then we then have the front page lead story of the Times and the BBC, reporting how an 11 year old Everton fan called Rhys Jones was fatally shot by a teenager wearing a hood and riding a BMX.
So Cameron comments that 17 teenagers have been stabbed or shot to death in London alone this year. That's roughly two a month and she whitters on that he's acting irresponsibly, creating scaremongering and being opportunistic? The bloody woman should be working on why so many murders are happening, and what they can do to resolve the problem. After all they are the party in power.
This from an amoral bunch of fucks who thought 9/11 was a good day to bury bad news. Well lets see Labour resolve this rather than trying to pass the blame onto the opposition.
**I called her a twat, I would like to amend that. So I shall instead call her a sniveling cur, a symptom of all that is wrong with politics in the UK, a sell out of the first order the sort of woman who sells out her ideals as easily as a cheap whore sells her body, a toady, a lickspittle, a venal fucktard, a dire New Labour aparachnik and yes still a twat to boot.
And so I give her this message, which I thought quite apt

Tags: Beverley Hughes
New Labour
Cool Britannia
Gun Crime
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