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Censorship - Part of Cool Britannia.

The powers of the nanny state grow ever more intrusive here in the UK, what was once the land of freedom and free expression is now a place where comments are guarded, expressions watched for signs of possible offence and now even wearing a tee-shirt can bring the states wrath down on you.


A man spotted wearing a T-shirt bearing an "offensive" slogan in a city centre has been warned he risks an £80 fine if he is caught again.

Forklift driver David Pratt was told by street wardens in Peterborough he could cause offence or incite violence.

The slogan on the garment read: "Don't piss me off! I am running out of places to hide the bodies."

Peterborough City Council said using insulting or offensive language was an offence, even if it appeared in print.

Mr Pratt, from Peterborough, was approached by the wardens as he waited for a bus with his wife.

The couple are now demanding a written apology.

"I really don't see how the wording on my T-shirt could incite violence - it's humour, that's all it is," said Mr Pratt.

In a statement Peterborough City Council said: "The incident is the subject of an official complaint to the council and is currently under investigation.

"However, using offensive, abusive, or insulting language is an offence under the Public Order Act, which also applies to such language appearing in print.

"In what was an amicable conversation, the street warden advised the gentleman concerned that his T-shirt could cause offence and if he was to wear it again he could run the risk of being issued an £80 on-the-spot fine from the police."
As Minister of Enlightenment, Goebbels and pin up poster boy of Peterborough City Council wardens.

"The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it." Goebbels - taken up by Peterborough City Council in 2007.

**So what has the nation come to that some petty official, a street warden of all things can decide that someones clothing is a possible cause of offense and advise them that wearing that again will lead to an eighty pound fine? They approach him as he is waiting for a bus, then these petty bloody minded, small cock'd wankers take it upon themselves to decide what a free citizen of this nation may or may not wear out on his tee-shirt on the street citing the grounds of offence.

Now how long will it be before petty council officials decide that tee-shirts like that are another form of criminalising the public, another form of cash revenue like speed cameras, another way to enforce petty rules on the plebs.

Maybe if he is seen with this tee-shirt again the authorities will arrest him, force him to sign Form D-11, the "order for protective custody" as was done by the Gestapo in Nazi Germany before shipping him off to a camp for some re-education. Total officious cunts the lot of them.

As I stated before:

**Big Brother has been rather crap when it comes to stamping out Foot & Mouth, tracking down illegal migrants, enforcing the law, giving value for money, educating our children, running the NHS, supplying our troops with equipment they need, but when it comes to enforcing petty regulations on old ladies then by god we have the best uberstate in the world.

So hurrah, for all the tens of thousands of small cocked wankers who have nothing better to do than enforce thousands of pointless rules, hurrah for the endless sheets of paper that need to be filled in before anyone can to do anything in this nation, hurrah for the many countless and pointless bans, rules, red tape and assorted bull shit that now make up this merry isle.

Welcome to Blair/Brown's New Cool Britannia.


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