Hat Tip:Theospark
"Kafeel Ahmed drove into a wall
Kafeel Ahmed had a great fall
All the Queens coppers and all her firemen
couldn't put Khaled together again." - Anon.Report from the Daily Mail
**At last the savage is dead, now lets bill the cunts family for the expense of flushing his carcass down the nearest sewer with all the other shit where it belongs.
Check out http://johnsmeaton.com/

Another eloquent picture of truth from our Moslem Doctor.
Dr C. Riyal Kilah:
I have come home from the hospital feeling very upset. All the radiation sources have disappeared from the oncology department - probably those Buddhists up to their tricks again.
The kaffir hospital management (Inshallah may they soon die of strange, undiagnosable ailments and be replaced by Islamic brothers) called an emergency meeting addressed by a kaffir police officer .
This institutionally-racist representative of the oppressive Zionist-Crusader alliance said that the radiation sources could be "Used by terrorists to make a dirty bomb".
I was extremely hurt and distressed by this statement. I forcefully pointed out that there is no such thing as a terrorist - Gordon Brown (pbuh) has said so. The word 'terrorist' is hate speech - it is a racist term of abuse used by bigots, Islamophobes and BNP supporters (Inshallah may they find themselves upon our operating tables tended by Muslim anaesthetists) to vilify peaceful Muslims.
I have written to Sir Ian B.Liar demanding the officer's dismissal and prosecution for racist verbal assault. I intend to sue the Metropolitan Police for the post-traumatic emotional stress this appalling incident has caused me, and will continue to cause me for the next fifty years. I have been examined by four independent Muslim psychiatrists who will vouch for my mental suffering (I'll accept an out of court settlement of £500, 000 in a five-way split, Inshallah)
I just hope I've recovered enough by next week to be able to attend the annual dinner of the Muslim Medical Malpractitioners' Association. My colleague Dr Aggun I. Singh-Deth will be receiving the Dr Josef Mengele (pbuh) Prize for innovation in surgical procedures, and I am due to give a presentation on performance evaluation for our new Dr Harold Shipman (pbuh) Award for meeting mortality rate targets (One point for a standard kaffir, two for a dancing slag, three for a Jew, four for an Islamophobic blogger, five for an apostate and 100 for Sir Salman Rushdie).
I must finish now, as night has fallen and I have noticed a strange green light in the back of my car. Probably glowworms.
Dr C. Riyal Kilah
Muslim Medical Malpractitioners Association
'You'll need more than an apple a day to keep us away' TM
Thanks to Lionheart for this.
Update: In light of the recent terrorist attacks in London and Glasgow, Scotland Yard have announced that they would like to interview the following suspects: Maheed Zonfyer, Singe Maheed Najeep, Amajeep Bashir, Akansmell Deezil, Avburntma Turban, Ama Shytedryva and the ringleader - Naihair Nmaheed Noo.
The bar at Glasgow Airport are doing a new promo - if you buy two pints of Tennants, you get a free muslim and a can of petrol.
They're calling it "Two Pints of Lager and a Paki to Crisp"...
A blind rabbit bumps into a blind snake. They agree to guess what each other are by touch.
The snake says "You have a fluffy tail, big pointy ears and buck teeth - you must be a rabbit"
The rabbit replies "You've got dry scaley skin, no lips, no ears, no hair, you're eyebrows aren't there and you're hissing."
"Fuck me, you're that paki bomber from Glasgow airport!"
Al Qaeda
War on Terror
Glasgow Airport
Glasgow Bombing
Alex McIlveen
John Smeaton
Khaled ahmed
1 people have spoken:
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oops, was that my outside voice? Oh well.
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