Standing in for the Jon 'Gaunty' Gaunt on radio's talkSPORT he stated that if he had his way he would 'ban all dogs from Britain because they were a danger to the public and served no purpose'.
So no seeing eye dogs for the blind(quite how Mr David Blunkett MP is going to manage without his guide dog I do not know or any blind person come the day of the doggie ban.), no police dogs to chase down wrongdoers, no sniffer dogs at the airports looking for explosives carried by terrorists or drugs stuffed up the back passage of students, no sheep dogs(quite how Mr Farmer is going to get his flock moved from point a to point b?) I am not sure George has really thought through his ban on mans best friend.

The Dangerous Dogs Act is a nonsense law passed as a knee jerk reaction to dog attacks and to curb the so called sport of dog fighting. On both points it has failed.
**Yet more moonbattery from the Rt Hon. George Galloway, maybe he should plan to ban cats next as some people have alergic reactions to cat hair. Then we have the evil motorcar that kills thousands of people a year, is George going to call for them to be banned? Mind this from an MP who himself has been sent "walkies" from the House for 18 days.
Maybe its just a case that George suffers from cycnophobia - the fear of dogs or rabies.
**Update maybe Galloway should have a get together with Michael Vick, together I am sure they could reduce the canine population somewhat.Link to Michael Vick story on dogfighting.
Tags:George Galloway
Respect Party
Saddam Hussain
Some links: The Kennel Club statement on Galloways remarks.
Hat tip to Paradise Lost
4 people have spoken:
he DID give examples of working dogs that should be allowed to remain - your sensationalist bullshit reflects nothing but your foolishness - either that or a desire to lie to your readers.
Again the main point here - aside from Galloway being an arse - is that any ban on dogs in the cities would hit many people who make a living from them, as well using dogs for company.
Also Galloway did state that if he had his way he would 'ban all dogs from Britain because they were a danger to the public and served no purpose'.
Oh and what did happen to the expenses for which he was barred for 18 days?
I heard galloway on talk sport and the jist of his rant was to muzzle dogs over a certain weight. I didn't hear much more as I got out of the car to walk the dog.
If we use his logic of banning things that are of no use and are a danger to the public we should ban muslims. Far more people have been killed by muslims than by dogs, and they generally smell a lot worse than dogs also. He's just being anti dog because muslims don't like dogs because their founder didn't like dogs.
Indeed if we take the example of the govt banning law abiding people the rightful possession of handguns then Galloways plans to ban dogs is only going to favour the criminal element who frankly don't give a shit.
Another weapon for them to use against the people.
Galloway you're an erudite but stupid cnut
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