Picture the scene:
A bunch of Taliscum women repressors are all getting together for a jolly old time shooting the breeze, bowing towards Mecca, firing their AK-47s into the air, then followed by some more repression of the women folk, and maybe a head chopping of an unbeliever.
Sure sounds like a fun night for the Taliscum, then those nasty infidels decide to go and spoil it for them. Then the Air Force joins in the fun and games:-)
Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO
BAGHDAD – Iraqi Security Forces teams conducted a series of raids, July 29 detaining
a suspected al Qaeda cell leader responsible for attacks and facilitating foreign fighters
in the Al Qaim area.
With U.S. Special Forces present as advisers, Iraqi Police detained two primary suspects and three additional persons of interest in the vicinity of Husaybuh, located on the Euphrates River west of Al Qaim. Various documents, including multiple identification cards and passports, were also seized during the operation.
The cell leader, who allegedly runs al Qaeda in Iraq activities in Husaybuh, is purportedly involved in the planning of future large scale attacks against Coalition Forces in the western Euphrates River valley. The second primary suspect is a school teacher believed to be spreading propaganda and recruiting his students to kill members of the Iraqi Police and Army.
No Iraqi or Coalition Forces were injured during this operation.
Iraqi Security Forces, U.S. Special Forces detain 13 al Qaeda in Iraq suspected terrorists in early-morning raid
Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO
TAJI, Iraq – Iraqi Security Forces, along with U.S. Special Forces advisors, conducted an early-morning raid July 30 detaining 13 in an effort to disrupt terrorist weapons smuggling and early warning systems in the Nidah Area of eastern Iraq.
After clearing six buildings, forces detained the primary target, along with 12 others. The suspect is thought to be a key member of the terrorist criminal network of al-Qaeda in Iraq operating in the Mandali area. He is also suspected of engaging in improvised explosive devices and vehicle born IED activity; as well as mortar attacks, small arms attacks, murder, kidnapping, ransom, and intimidation of local citizens.
Along with the suspected terrorists, two AK-47 assault rifles, three cell phones and a pick-up truck belonging to one of the detainees were also confiscated.
No Iraqi or U.S. Forces were injured during this operation.
Nine suspected al-Qaeda terrorists detained
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition Forces detained nine suspected terrorists during operations targeting al-Qaeda in central and northern Iraq Monday and Tuesday.
Coalition Forces captured a suspected terrorist believed to be a driver for the al-Qaeda in Iraq emir of Mosul. Based on information from that operation, Coalition Forces raided a building in Mosul Tuesday targeting the alleged emir’s associates. The ground forces detained two suspects allegedly tied to the terrorist leader.
West of Baghdad Tuesday, Coalition Forces captured a suspected al-Qaeda in Iraq emir, believed to control 20-30 terrorist operatives. His terrorist cell is allegedly responsible for rocket and improvised explosive device attacks against Iraqi and Coalition Forces.
Coalition Forces targeted an associate of the al-Qaeda in Iraq emir of Baghdad during a raid in Tarmiyah Tuesday. The ground forces detained three suspected terrorists.
Southwest of Taji, Coalition Forces detained two suspected terrorists while targeting an individual suspected of facilitating the movement of foreign terrorists in eastern Anbar province.
“These terrorists cannot hide – we will seek them out,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesperson. “The people of Iraq deserve the ability to choose their own future, free of brutal terrorist attacks.”MND-B attack aircraft engage enemy rocket launchers
By Sgt. 1st Class Rick Emert
1st ACB, 1st Cav. Div. Public Affairs
Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO
CAMP TAJI, Iraq — Multi-National Division-Baghdad Apache helicopter crews located and engaged enemy rocket launchers at approximately 3 p.m. July 29 in northern Baghdad.
The crew reported finding 10 rocket-launching systems in an open area, possibly the same area from which a July 29 rocket attack was launched on the International Zone.
“Detailed reconnaissance and demonstrated aerial skills by the air weapons team were key in interdicting future rocket attacks directed at the International Zone,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Walach, commander of 1st “Attack” Battalion, 1st Air Cavalry Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division.
The 1-227th Attack Reconnaissance Battalion’s Apache team was conducting a reconnaissance mission when it was called by ground forces from 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, to go to the site. The ground forces cleared the Apache crews to engage the launching systems, and the crews fired on them, disabling them.
A ground unit from 2nd BCT later moved to the site to confiscate the rocket-launching systems while the Apache crews provided security.
‘Operation Iraqi Heart,’ U.S. Special Operations Forces, Army Civil Affairs aid Al Anbar childMulti-National Corps – Iraq PAO
BAGHDAD – Even though she’s surrounded by war, Dalal is not much different than
other children her age. She likes jumping rope and Cinderella and enjoys reading and
drawing. Her favorite classes are religion and language and she recently completed
second grade -- earning perfect marks in all her studies. But, unlike many of her peers,
the 8-year-old Iraqi has also fought a life-threatening battle from within since birth.
Due to the efforts of a U.S. Special Forces medic and U.S. Army Civil Affairs
noncommissioned officer, all of that changed recently and Dalal was granted a new
lease on life.
July 23, Dalal received an operation in Amman, Jordan, to correct a heart defect
known as Tetralogy of Fallot. The congenital disease causes a decreased flow of blood
to the lungs, as well as mixing of blood from separate chambers of the heart. Left
unattended, Dalal’s prognosis could have been death around the time she hit puberty.
“We had to close a hole in one area of her heart and patch and enlarge another
area,” said Pediatric Cardiologist Dr. Khaled Salaymeh shortly after the operation. “She
was fully awake shortly after the surgery and doing excellent.”
Dalal’s journey to the operating room began in Western Iraq several months ago.
“The previous (Special Forces) team here discovered her,” said Army Staff Sgt.
Joe Murtaugh, a U.S. Special Forces medical sergeant assigned to the Al Anbar
“Her father had an electrocardiogram from when she was 3 years old diagnosing
her with the condition. Since so much time had passed, they had him take her to where
she could get another test and the diagnosis came back the same.”
While reviewing Dalal’s medical records, Murtaugh found an e-mail address for
the International Organization of Migration in Jordan and contacted them for assistance.
“They directed us to several contacts but the most important was Marikay (Army
Staff Sgt. Marikay Satryano). She took care of all the logistical details in Jordan and
even arranged for three organizations to cover the $8,000 cost of Dalal’s Surgery.”
A Civil Affairs specialist assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Amman, Satryano
created a program that matches charities and corporations to individual Iraqi children’s
cases. Over the past two years, she has arranged for 61 children to receive lifesaving
cardiac surgery either in Amman or the United States. In Dalal’s case, she coordinated
with the Environmental Chemical Corporation to arrange a free flight from Baghdad to
Jordan. She also scheduled everything with the hospital in Amman and the free
services of a Jordanian dentist who provided some necessary pre-operation dental
“Helping Dalal has been a group effort,” Satryano said. “Three organizations,
Gift of Life New Jersey, Gift of Life International and Our Children International USA
split the cost for Dalal’s surgery. The International Organization of Migration Mission is
also assisting by covering room and board for Dalal’s father during their stay Jordan.”
U.S. Special Operations Forces played a major role in ensuring Dalal and her
father could make the trip to Jordan.
“We assisted them in getting the new Iraqi G-Series Passports to travel out of the
country,” Murtaugh said. “Our special operations task unit coordinated a flight from their
hometown to Al Asad and we worked with the Combined Joint Special Operations Air
Command to fly them from Al Asad to Baghdad. Another team member and I escorted
the family to Baghdad and we stayed with them until they departed to ensure there were
no problems. Everyone was extremely helpful and provided us with excellent support
While they were waiting on passports to make the journey, Murtaugh regularly
kept in contact with the family and even put together a slide show to bring Dalal’s plight
to the attention of folks back home. Inspired by his dedication, friends, family and fellow
servicemembers took the initiative to contact Gift of Life International to make a
donation in her name.
“They are still receiving donations and at last count the total was over $1,000,” Murtaugh said. “I am very happy we were able to assist Dalal. She’s a sweetheart and without our help I’m convinced her condition would be fatal.”
“We appreciate that they (the Americans) care about us,” Dalal’s father (whose
name was withheld to protect his identity) said through an interpreter. “I know you are
here doing another job and I am thankful for all you do. This is an unforgettable thing
what you are doing for my family and we cannot thank you enough for your help.”
Now that Dalal starts the day with health and the promise of a future, she was
asked what she wants to be when she grows up. Without skipping a beat, her brown
eyes warmly envision her future “A doctor! And I’d treat everyone for free.”
“The child we can’t help is the one we don’t know about,” Satryano said.
“Typically, cases of humanitarian assistance go to the National Iraqi Assistance Center
which is staffed by Iraqi citizens and Coalition Forces. Not all parents (such as in the
case of Dalal) can easily gain access to Baghdad for such services, but there are many
ways to still help them. It takes dedication, total teamwork, trust and faith, but together
we can give more Iraqi children in need a chance at a healthy life.”
For more information on humanitarian efforts aimed at assisting Iraqi children,
contact the National Iraqi Assistance Center at www.natiac.org, Gift of Life International
www.giftoflifeinternational.org or Our Children International
Coalition Forces Capture Three Suspected Terrorists with Ties to IRGC-QF
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition Forces captured what are believed to be terrorists with ties to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) from Iran in a raid Tuesday in Shulah.
Coalition Forces received sustained small arms and rocket propelled grenade (RPG) fire from terrorists during a precision raid to capture or kill operatives with connections to the IRGC-QF. Coalition Forces returned fire on the identified enemy positions killing four terrorists.
The captured suspected terrorists are believed to be key players in a major facilitation network for smuggling weapons and components of Explosively Formed Penetrators (EFPs) from Iran into Iraq to be used against Coalition Forces.
“Coalition troops continue to conduct highly successful raids to capture these terrorists who bring EFPs and other lethal aid from Iran into Iraq,” said Major Marc Young, MNF-I spokesperson. “Iranian influence is hindering the prospects of peace and stability in Iraq. We remain committed to dismantling terror networks that seek to kill innocent Iraqis and Coalition Forces.”
Coalition Forces detain 27 suspects, kill three terrorists
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition Forces detained 27 suspected terrorists and killed three terrorists during operations targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq key leadership and foreign terrorist facilitators in central and northern Iraq Tuesday and Wednesday.
During operations Tuesday in Baghdad and Tarmiyah, Coalition Forces detained three suspected terrorists. The targeted individual in the Baghdad raid, a suspected key operative in the deadly Baghdad improvised explosive device and vehicle-borne IED network, was successfully apprehended by ground forces during a precision raid. A close associate of the al-Qaeda in Iraq Baghdad emir and another al-Qaeda in Iraq operative were detained in Tarmiyah.
South of Tikrit during operations Wednesday morning, Coalition Forces detained six alleged terrorists while targeting an al-Qaeda in Iraq key leader responsible for coordinating attacks on Coalition and Iraqi forces and using kidnappings, extortion and manipulation of the fuel market to fund his terrorist operations. One female Iraqi civilian was also injured during the operation when Coalition Forces breeched the door of a targeted building. She was treated on scene by military medical personnel and transported to a military medical facility for further treatment.
“Al-Qaeda in Iraq has a total disregard for the sanctity of human life and they continually place innocent Iraqis in harms way in the midst of their terrorist activities,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesperson.
During early morning raids east of Balad, Coalition Forces detained 11 suspected terrorists for their association with a high level foreign terrorist facilitator with links to the foreign terrorist networks in North Africa, Europe and the Arabian Peninsula. During the raid, three armed men were observed maneuvering towards ground forces. Responding to the immediate threat, ground forces engaged the armed terrorists, killing one. The remaining two terrorists moved into a tactical fighting position, which resulted in ground forces using appropriate escalation of force, calling in close air support to engage the armed terrorists in their fighting position. Ground forces assess that both terrorists were killed from the close air support strafing.
In the northern city of Mosul, Coalition Forces detained three suspected terrorists, one of whom is assessed to be a key leader in the Mosul al-Qaeda in Iraq network. The targeted individual is suspected of leading a sniper cell and a network emplacing IEDs that have resulted in the deaths of multiple civilians, as well as participating in an attack on the Iraqi National Guard building in western Mosul.
During operations to the west and north of Tarmiyah, three suspected terrorists were detained for their association with an al-Qaeda in Iraq emir near Tarmiyah. In pervious Coalition Forces operations targeting associates of the same al-Qaeda in Iraq emir, ground forces were fired on by a terrorist dressed in women’s clothing who was attempting to elude Coalition Forces.
In southern Tarmiyah, Coalition Forces detained one suspected terrorist for his association with al-Qaeda in Iraq senior leadership of the Northern Belts who use the area south of Tarmiyah as an attempted safe haven from Coalition Forces.
“There are no safe havens for al-Qaeda in Iraq,” said Garver. “Coalition Forces continually seek out and expose the terrorists in every nook and cranny where they seek to hide.”Iraqi Security Forces, U.S. Special Forces battle terrorists near Doura
Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO
BAGHDAD – Iraqi Security Forces, with U.S. Special Forces as advisors, detained two suspected al-Qaeda terrorists while conducting an intelligence driven operation in the Doura neighborhood of Baghdad, July 29.
The two targeted individuals were detained without incident. Iraqi Security Forces also seized one AK-47, two loaded magazines and more than $3500 U.S. dollars.
After completing the raid, Iraqi and U.S. Forces received enemy fire from several buildings across the street. After positively identifying four armed insurgents, U.S. Special Forces called in precision aerial fires that resulted in four insurgents killed.
An immediate battle assessment confirmed the four insurgents were killed and no Iraqi civilians present.
No Iraqi or Coalition Forces were injured during this operation.
Local tip leads to cache discovery
Multi-National Division – North PAO
MOSUL, Iraq – Tipped off by an Iraqi citizen, Iraqi army soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Iraqi Army Division conducted a joint mission with Coalition Force Soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, July 30, to remove illegal weapons from the neighborhoods of western Mosul.
Focusing on the Wade Hajar and Al Sinaa neighborhoods, IA and Coalition troops captured a detainee with knowledge of a substantial weapons cache at a home located in the Al Najar neighborhood.
Inside the house, the joint forces discovered a spider hole hidden under tiles beneath a stove. The tiles were broken away revealing a lit room containing: one anti-aircraft gun barrel; one anti-aircraft gun receiver; one sniper rifle, 2,000 rounds of PKM machine gun ammunition, two AK-47 assault rifles, three rocket-propelled grenades and miscellaneous improvised explosive device-making materials. Two suspected terrorists were also detained for interrogation.
“This discovery is another great example of the Iraqi army taking the lead and generating the intelligence that allows us to find and remove dangerous weapons like these off of the streets,” said Maj. Joseph Kopser, executive officer, 2-7 Cavalry.
Paratrooper awarded Silver Star for actions in Samarra
Multi-National Division – North PAO
PATROL BASE OLSON, Iraq – An 82nd Airborne Division Paratrooper was awarded the nation’s fourth highest decoration, the Silver Star, July 31, 2007, at Patrol Base Olson in Samarra, Iraq, for valorous actions during a near ambush February 2, 2007, in Samarra.
Capt. Brennan Goltry, 27, 2nd Platoon leader, Company C, 2nd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, joins a coveted list of Silver Star recipients, including Senator John McCain and Audie Murphy. He’s the first from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team and sixth 82nd Airborne Division Paratrooper to receive the Silver Star amidst the global war on terror campaign in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The sun had just set on Goltry and his platoon’s mounted patrol in Samarra. He noticed the brightness of the full moon as his convoy turned south on 20th Street, because it gave the enemy an advantage of extra visibility on the U.S. patrol, he said.
The five vehicles progressed south, when they began taking automatic weapons and sniper fire from the south and west.
“It was an ‘L-shaped’ ambush,” said the Bakersfield, Calif., native. “(Insurgents) engaged, we identified every position we could, and returned fire.”
The lead vehicle was disabled immediately, so Goltry had his driver pull their vehicle perpendicular and in front of it to provide cover. Goltry spotted a shooter to his right, opened his door, and returned fire. He received two gun shot wounds to his left leg but continued fighting until the shooter was killed.
Goltry took cover and gathered his men; like him, some of them were wounded. It is unknown how many attackers were involved, but Goltry led his men south on foot with suppressive fire and basically ran through the objective until the enemy was constrained. The ability to gain fire superiority allowed for his more seriously wounded Paratroopers to receive medical care.
“I’m real proud of my men,” Goltry said. “They fight real hard for me, and they’ve saved my (rear) more than once.”
Goltry’s commander and fellow Paratroopers said this was just another day for him. He’s described as a tough, no nonsense type of leader, but at the same time, extremely compassionate about his platoon, said Capt. Buddy Ferris, commander, Company C, 2nd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment.
“Here in Iraq, he’s excelled at everything he’s done,” said Ferris, who has worked with Goltry since October 2005. “I’m happy he’s been recognized, but this is the type of stuff he does everyday. It’s not the first time he’s been shot, and it’s not the first time he charged the enemy.”
During the ceremony, Maj. Gen. Benjamin Mixon, commander of 25th Infantry Division and Multi-National Division – North, presented Goltry with the Silver Star as well as two Purple Hearts – one of which was for injuries received during the February 2 attack – and the Combat Infantryman Badge.
Two alleged Al-Qaeda emirs, 20 other suspects captured; four terrorists killed
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition Forces captured two alleged al-Qaeda in Iraq emirs, killed four terrorists and detained 20 suspected terrorists during operations targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq media cells and senior leaders Wednesday and Thursday.
Wednesday night, Coalition Forces captured the alleged al-Qaeda in Iraq sniper emir of Mosul. As the assault force entered the two targeted buildings, a man approached the perimeter security element. Even after the ground forces used appropriate escalation of force measures, the man continued to advance on the security element. Coalition Forces, responding appropriately to the hostile threat, engaged the man, killing him.
Inside the targeted buildings, Coalition Forces detained the alleged emir, who was believed to be involved in a plot against the mayor of Mosul on March 9 and has allegedly claimed responsibility for at least one Coalition Forces death in the last month. The suspected terrorist allegedly supervises 10-15 operatives and has conducted kidnapping operations to bring in money for his own use. Ground forces on the scene detained one additional suspect and discovered a small cache containing body armor, weapons, a rifle sight manual and extremist propaganda.
In western Baghdad Thursday morning, Coalition Forces captured an alleged al-Qaeda in Iraq media emir tied to propaganda cells throughout Baghdad. During the raid, the ground forces found a large amount of U.S. currency and improvised explosive device-making materials. Two more individuals were detained for their ties to the suspected emir.
Coalition Forces targeted a media cell and its leader, also suspected of facilitating the movement of foreign terrorists, in a raid near Samarra Thursday morning. As Coalition Forces approached the target building, surveillance showed a man come out of the building and move to a tactical fighting position against the assault force. Responding appropriately to the hostile threat, Coalition Forces called in close air support. The man was killed by aircraft strafing, and was determined to be a foreigner. The ground forces found weapons on site and detained seven suspected terrorists during the operation for their alleged ties to the foreign terrorist network and media cell.
North of Karmah Thursday, Coalition Forces continued to target senior al-Qaeda in Iraq leaders in Anbar province. As the assault force approached the targeted buildings, two terrorists armed with AK-47s drew their weapons on the ground forces, using a woman as a human shield. Coalition Forces closed in on the armed men when one terrorist attempted to assault an element of the ground forces. Coalition Forces moved the woman out of the way and engaged the two armed men, killing them. Four suspected terrorists were detained during the operation.
A raid in Tarmiyah Thursday targeted a suspected al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorist who has close ties to the al-Qaeda emir of Baghdad. The ground forces detained four suspected terrorists during the operation.
“The leaders of al-Qaeda in Iraq should know we are continually targeting them and will not rest until we have captured or killed them,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesperson. “Every removal of a leader of al-Qaeda, at any level, weakens the terrorist organization and strengthens Coalition and Iraqi Security Force operations against it.”
High Value Individual detained in Al Anbar Province
BALAD, Iraq – While executing a convoy security mission, Paratroopers from 2nd Platoon, Charlie Company, 2-504th Parachute Infantry Regiment were decisively involved in the detention of a High Value Individual in Al Anbar Province July 24.
The Paratroopers were informed to “be on the look out” for a specific vehicle. Upon positive identification of the vehicle, the men of Charlie Company quickly transitioned to isolate and secure the HVI. This effort is an example of the adaptability and creativity of the Paratroopers of 2-504th PIR and their ability to remain vigilant and flexible in a complex environment. Moreover, their rapid action and aggressive execution led to the successful capture and transfer of an HVI to a unit in Multi-National Force-West.
Al-Qaeda emir of Mosul shot, killed by ISF
Multi-National Division – North PAO
MOSUL, Iraq – Iraqi Army soldiers from the 2nd Iraqi Army Division shot and killed three members of the Islamic State of Iraq terrorist organization, including its leader Safi, the touted al-Qaeda in Iraq emir of Mosul, after they were fired upon Aug. 1.
The incident took place during a series of combined operations involving the 2nd Iraqi Army and the Iraqi Police throughout the city of Mosul. The 2nd Iraqi Army Division headquarters element, including Brig. Gen. Moutaa, commander of the 2IA, were conducting cordon and search operations in northeast Mosul when Safi and three of his bodyguards were spotted in a pickup truck.
The convoy gave chase and pulled the vehicle over. All four men exited the pickup and began firing at the IA soldiers. Moutaa and his security element returned fire, killing all three.
“This is a great example of the cooperation between the Iraqi police (who provided the profile and made sure his picture was widely distributed and familiar) and the Iraqi army (who actually stopped Safi),” said Col. Stephen Twitty, commander of 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division. “The Iraqi Security Forces are leading the way here in Ninewah Province, unilaterally executing Provincial Governor Kashmoula’s security plan with incredible success.”
“The death of Safi will further disrupt senior AQI leadership in Mosul, which has been unstable since May, due to the combined efforts of Coalition Forces and ISF offensive operations,” said Twitty.
Iraqi Security Forces, U.S. Special Forces detain four rogue JAM suspects
Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO
BAGHDAD – Iraqi Security Forces and U.S. Special Forces detained four suspected Shi’a extremists who are believed to be linked to the rogue Jaysh al-Mahdi militia during an intelligence driven in Baghdad July 31.
The suspected Shi’a extremists are allegedly responsible for engaging in death squad killings of innocent civilians in the Baghdad area. The suspects are also allegedly connected to a terrorist network responsible for emplacing improvised explosive devices and participating in criminal activities aimed at undermining legitimate elected officials.
The suspects are currently being detained for questioning.
No Iraqi or U.S. personnel were harmed during the operation.
Tribal members assist in detention of three al-Qaida leaders
Multi-National Division – North PAO
SHERWEEN, Iraq – After receiving information of known al-Qaida members in the Sherween area, a village near Muqdadiyah, Iraq, Iraqi citizens assisted Iraqi Police in the detention of three key al-Qaida leaders, July 29.
“This is a very significant event for Diyala because it is clear that not only are the security forces targeting al-Qaida, but the people are tired of the hatred and destruction al-Qaida and other terrorist groups have to offer,” said Col. David Sutherland, commander of 3-1 Cav. and commander of Coalition Forces in Diyala province.
Suspecting an attack on a near-by village, Diyala tribal members informed the Dali Abbas Iraqi police, and together, set up a tactical checkpoint along the known route.
“It is also vital because it shows the people are gaining more and more confidence in the Iraqi security forces – the true protectors of this nation,” Sutherland added. “Al-Qaida truly has no place to hide as the people, not just the security forces, are now determined to work for a safer, more secure Iraq.”
As suspected, the leaders were traveling toward Dali Abbas, and when searched, the IP discovered two AK-47s, a laptop computer and documents detailing past and future al-Qaida operations.
Following the detention of the al-Qaida leaders, the IP transferred the detainees to the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 5th Iraqi Army Division.
Despite threats by al-Qaida, the al-Qaida leaders were successfully detained and transported to an IA detention facility for further questioning, demonstrating the steadfastness of the Iraqi Police.
MND-B Soldiers find large weapons cache near Falahat
Multi-National Division – North PAO
CAMP TAJI, Iraq – Multi-National Division-Baghdad Soldiers found a large weapons cache near Falahat, Iraq July 30.
While conducting a dismounted patrol in an area just outside of the village, Soldiers from Troop D, 1st Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment of the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, uncovered a cache consisting of 155 Russian-made 57mm mortar rounds.
“This is an extremely significant find which will keep weapons out of the hands of Al-Qaeda operatives who would have used them in attacks against innocent Iraqi civilians, Coalition Forces and Iraqi Security Forces,” said Lt. Col. Peter Andrysiak, deputy commanding officer of the brigade. “Since establishing a patrol base here, our troopers have found seven caches within the past month.”
“Two of those caches were found with the help of local neighborhood watch volunteers who are fed up with sectarian violence and want to keep their community safe for the sake of their families,” added Andrysiak.
Iraqi Security Forces are currently investigating to find those responsible for storing the mortar rounds.
Iraqi Security Forces, U.S. Special Forces detain five, disrupting VBIED cell in Kirkuk
Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO
TAJI – Iraqi Security Forces conducted an early morning raid Aug. 1 in Kirkuk that resulted in the capture of a suspected key leader of the terrorist criminal network of al-Qaeda in Iraq.
The targeted suspect is believed to be responsible for a vehicle born improvised explosive device attack in Kirkuk on July 16 that killed more than 85 civilians and injured more than 180. With U.S. Special Forces as advisors, the Iraqi Security Forces also detained four suspects in addition to the primary target.
”This successful mission is another demonstration of the committment and resolve to stopping violent criminal elements and ensuring the safety of the population,” a senior U.S. Special Forces commander stated.
No Iraqi or U.S. Forces were injured during the operation.
Combined operation nets four suspects
2nd IBCT, 2nd Inf. Div. Public Affairs
Multi-National Division – Baghdad
FORWARD OPERATING BASE LOYALTY, Iraq — Multi-National Division-Baghdad Soldiers and Iraqi Police officers captured four suspected insurgents and recovered materials for making improvised explosive devices during a security operation in the Al Amin section of eastern Baghdad Aug. 1.
The operation, dubbed Operation Winston Salem, was carried out by Soldiers from Company A, 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, attached to the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team and Iraqi Police. The operation was intended to clear the area of insurgents and confiscate weapons caches.
The four suspects are being held for further questioning.
950 pounds of explosives found
More than a ton of explosives taken off streets in July
By 1st Lt. Andrew Coody
1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment
Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO
BAGHDAD — Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers, along with their Iraqi Army counterparts, discovered two large homemade explosive caches during Operation Rogue Stomp from July 29-30 in the Baghdad neighborhood of Jamia.
Troops from 3rd Battalion, 5th Regiment, 6th Iraqi Army Division and the 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment, made the discoveries during their two-day clearing operation.
The first cache, more than 400 lbs. of homemade explosives, was found on the evening of July 29. Military working dogs assisted in the find, and an explosive ordnance disposal team conducted a controlled burn of the substance. The explosives detonated, destroying the abandoned house where it was discovered.
The second cache netted 16 bags of homemade explosives, totaling 550 lbs., along with a rocket-propelled grenade and other IED-making materials. An explosive ordnance disposal unit performed a controlled detonation of the bomb-making materials.
Both caches were located close to the newly constructed Coalition Outpost Lion. That outpost serves as the Iraqi Army’s primary patrolling base for operations in and around the Jamia neighborhood.
More than 2,000 lbs. of homemade explosives have been confiscated in Jamia by Iraqi Army and Coalition Forces in July.
raqi provisional volunteers lead Soldiers to cache
4th IBCT, 1st Inf. Div. Public Affairs
Multi-National Division – Baghdad
BAGHDAD — Iraqi provisional volunteers found a weapons cache in Radwaniya, in the western portion of the Rashid District of the Iraqi capital and handed it over to Coalition Forces July 31.
Members of the group of volunteers found the munitions just after noon, and contacted troops of Company E, 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment “Vanguards,” who took control of the site.
The volunteers are a group of local Sunni men who are assisting in the fight against Al Qaeda, alongside Iraqi and Coalition Forces.
At the site, the troops found 40 grenades, 40 60mm mortar rounds and 20 pounds of homemade explosives. There were enough mortar rounds to make six improvised explosive devices.
A Coalition explosive ordnance disposal team destroyed the munitions on site.
Coalition Forces detain 17 suspected terrorists
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition Forces detained 17 suspected terrorists during raids targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq operations in the Tigris River Valley Friday.
In Mosul, Coalition Forces captured an alleged terrorist cell leader and four suspected associates. The targeted individual is believed to be involved in sniper and suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device attacks against Iraqi and Coalition Forces.
During a precision raid in Baghdad, Coalition Forces captured an al-Qaeda in Iraq operative allegedly involved in weapons trafficking and supplying terrorist groups with IED materials. One other suspected terrorist was detained during the operation.
Coalition Forces raided four buildings during coordinated operations in Bayji targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq cell leaders there. The ground forces detained six suspected terrorists for their alleged ties to a sniper team leader and terrorist cell known to attack Coalition Forces.
Coalition Forces continued to target al-Qaeda in Iraq operations in Tarmiyah with an operation focused on terrorist senior leaders. The ground forces detained four individuals with suspected ties to an al-Qaeda in Iraq emir responsible for administering Shari’a law in the northern belt around Baghdad.
“We will not rest until al-Qaeda in Iraq’s operations have been decimated,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesperson. “Our operations continue to target terrorist leaders and operatives who attack Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces and the Iraqi citizens they protect.”Iraqi prison guards quell Badoush flare-up, restore order
Multi-National Division – North PAO
MOSUL, Iraq – Iraqi Police Correctional Guards working at Badoush Prison ended a physical disturbance that involved nearly 65 inmates around 1 a.m., August 3. No prisoners escaped; one prisoner was killed attempting to escape.
The Iraqi correctional guards were preparing to move several dozen inmates into isolation for a pending prisoner transfer when the unrest occurred.
Coalition Forces were supporting the planned transfer with an outer cordon around the prison, when the outbreak occurred. CF units on the scene reported that the prison guards acted swiftly to restore order.
One inmate was shot and killed by an Iraqi guard after attempting an escape from the prison yard. Two other inmates were injured by gunfire from the Iraqi Correctional Guards within the prison.
Casualties were treated at the medical facility in the prison, and all of the other inmates were placed on lockdown as the guards conducted 100% accountability and checked prisoners for injuries.
“The Iraqi Correctional Guards acted swiftly and decisively today in restoring order in what could have become a chaotic situation,” said Maj. Rodger Lemons, operations officer, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division. “They demonstrated the patience, resolve, and most importantly restraint, which are the trademarks of a confident and capable force that cannot be intimidated.”
Conditions have returned to normal at the prison and all prisoners are accounted for and secured. Internal damages to the cell block area are still being assessed.
Coalition Forces did not fire any rounds in the disturbance; there were no Coalition Soldiers or Iraqi Police or Correctional Guards injuries in the incident.
Coalition Forces Kill Four Suspected Secret Cell Terrorists, Detain Eighteen
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition Forces conducted a raid to capture or kill suspected Special Groups Cell operatives in Qasirin before dawn on Saturday. The Special Groups operatives are suspected of coordinating logistical support from Iran for rogue Jaysh al Mahdi elements and Special Groups operating in Iraq. The captured Special Groups operatives are also believed to have been involved in improvised explosive device attacks and explosively formed penetrator attacks against Coalition Forces.
Coalition Forces conducted a complex, multi-faceted operation, killing four armed terrorists when they began to maneuver against ground troops. During the engagement, Coalition Forces employed a fixed-wing close air support aircraft to destroy a weapons cache. Coalition Forces also destroyed six cars that were being used by the suspected terrorists. There were no Coalition Forces casualties during the operation.
“We continue to target Special Groups terrorists who are responsible for directing attacks against the Coalition and the Iraqi Security Force as they protect the Iraqi people,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesperson. “We will continue to interdict unhelpful external influences supporting terrorist groups operating in Iraq.”
Coalition raids nab 33 suspected terrorists
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition Forces detained 33 suspected terrorists during operations Saturday targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq and its associates in Kirkuk and the Tigris River Valley.
In Mosul, Coalition Forces captured the alleged leader of a terrorist group responsible for placing improvised explosive devices. The ground forces detained a second individual for his ties to the group, which is linked to al-Qaeda in Iraq.
During a raid on several buildings west of Tarmiyah, Coalition Forces detained 20 suspected terrorists for their association with the alleged al-Qaeda in Iraq emir of the northern belts around Baghdad. Intelligence reports indicate the terrorist leader’s network is responsible for extortion, kidnappings, training female suicide bombers and vehicle-borne IED attacks using chlorine. One of the detainees led Coalition Forces to a nearby cache of IED and bomb-making materials, which an explosives team safely destroyed.
Coalition Forces conducted coordinated raids in Baghdad and Tarmiyah targeting an al-Qaeda in Iraq emir believed to administer Shari’a law in the northern belts around Baghdad. The ground forces detained two suspected terrorists during the operation.
In Bayji, Coalition Forces conducted a precision raid targeting a sniper cell leader associated with an al-Qaeda in Iraq emir in the area. The ground forces detained four suspected terrorists associated with the alleged leader, who reportedly oversees 35 snipers.
Iraqi and Coalition Forces targeted an al-Qaeda in Iraq media emir believed to operate a media cell in Kirkuk. Three individuals were detained for their alleged association with the media cell. Iraqi and Coalition Forces detained two people during a nearby operation targeting an IED cell member believed to be part of the terrorist group responsible for the Jul. 16 vehicle-borne IED attacks in Kirkuk.
“Al-Qaeda’s leadership is on the run, just like they fled during the opening phase of Operation Arrowhead Ripper in Baquba,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I spokesperson. “We will continue our operations to hunt them down wherever they hide.”
Air assault south of Baqouba destroys four VBIEDs
Multi-National Division – North PAO
BAQOUBA, Iraq -- Soldiers attached to 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, located and destroyed four vehicles to be used as vehicle-borne improvised explosives devices during an air assault operation south of Baqouba, Iraq, that began August 1.
Soldiers from 1-12 Combined Arms Battalion located two vehicles laden with explosives while searching the area August 2. Later that afternoon, Soldiers found two vehicles that had wires and trigger mechanisms installed but had not yet been loaded with explosives.
The purpose of the two-day air assault, called Operation Wickersham, was to clear an area used by al-Qaeda in Iraq to launch mortars into Baqouba.
“In the opening hours, we captured two complete mortar systems and a heavy machine gun in excellent condition,” said Col. Stephen Townsend, commander of 3rd SBCT. “The machine gun was in position and ready to fire.”
Soldiers from 1-12 CAB also located and destroyed seven IEDs and 12 caches containing weapons and IED-making material.
Iraqi Security Forces, U.S. Special Forces capture six in Mosul
Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO
TAJI – Iraqi Security forces detained six suspected al-Qaeda in Iraq operatives during an early-morning raid in eastern Mosul August 1.
Three of the detainees are believed to be responsible for small-arms fire, improvised explosive device and vehicle-borne IED attacks against U.S. and Iraqi Security Forces.
With U.S. Special Forces as advisors more than 200 security forces simultaneously raided multiple targets in the surprise attack against the suspected al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorist leaders.
In addition to the detainees, the following items were seized: an AK-47 assault rifle, three AK-47 magazines, 31 cell phones, passports, film, passport photos, multiple forged Iraqi National Identification cards, a computer, miscellaneous photos and documents, IED initiation systems and multiple electronic schematics.
No Iraqi or U.S. Forces were injured during the operation.
MND-B Soldiers uncover three caches in southern Baghdad
Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO
BAGHDAD — Multi-National Division-Baghdad Soldiers found three weapons caches in the Rashid District of the Iraqi capital August 1-2.
The “Warriors” from Company B, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment discovered 100 55-gallon barrels containing various chemicals that could be used in the making of improvised explosive devices in a house in Doura August 1.
Also that night, the “Tomahawks,” from the 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment discovered an AK-47 assault rifle, five grenades, five full AK-47 magazines, seven ammunition pouches and a radio in a truck parked near the site of a recent attack on Coalition Forces.
Early on the morning of August 2, Soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry Regiment discovered a weapons cache inside a house consisting of a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, six anti-tank mines, a recoilless rifle with 120 rounds of ammunition and a tripod, 1,400 AK-47 rounds, five demolition charges, six shaped charges and 19 RPG boosters. Four men were also detained at the scene of this cache find.
Explosive ordnance disposal teams conducted controlled detonations to destroy the caches.
U.S. Special Forces, Iraqi Army detain three amid combat
Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO
BAGHDAD – Members of the Iraqi Army, with U.S. Special Operations Forces as advisors, detained three individuals in Diwaniya during an operation intended to disrupt a rogue Jaysh al-Mahdi insurgent group, August 3.
After the three individuals were detained, Iraqi and U.S. forces encountered enemy small arms fire and rocket propelled grenades at the target location. Due to the location of the insurgents, air support was called in and delivered proportionate fire that killed the three insurgents. No Iraqi civilians were present during the air-strike.
The three individuals detained are allegedly responsible for attacks on Iraqi and Coalition Forces in the Diwaniya area.
No Iraqi soldiers or U.S. Special Forces members were injured during the operation.
MNF Iraq
Al Qaeda
War on Terror
Iraqi Army
101st Fighting Keyboardists
2 people have spoken:
You'd think the media would be all over the story about the little girl with the heart problem, wouldn't you?
Nah--it doesn't fit their worldview.
fascinating,you have a very good blog :). I like hearing your perspective on thingz. Love to hear what you think about my strange newz blog if you get a chance.
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