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Libelist MP Paul Flynn MP

Sometimes you find a gem that really shows what an MP feels about a group of people, in this case farmers. From his site, this shows his views on the countryside(or to be more accurate, views of someone he agrees with 100%):

"I HATE the countryside and everything to do with it, tax-avoiding farmers, blood-lust yokels and inbred simpletons, four-wheel-drive snobs, gun-totting toffs, meat-eating murderers and – finally – I deplore the rural set, who think themselves above anyone else and are wholly out of touch with modern society."

That the opening sentence of an article today by former Countryside Alliance lackey Mark Hinge who now cavorts around Cardiff Bay as a lobbyist.

Got it in one, Mark.

**Lacks the guts to come out and state that himself and so he prints someone elses words, yet he agrees with every word. How nice that the voters of Newport in Gwent have a proven liar, a libelist and a petty minded MP who hates anyone earning a living from the land.

Think what you will of farmers, but without them the city types starve in no time at all. So there you have it, Mr Flynn considers all farmers to be inbred simpletons and not just farmers
but all who live in the countryside.

So if your from a village or hamlet, or your living is not based in a city then have a read of that above statement and feel really contented with the respect that the modern city based Labour Party has for you.
  • Work in the countryside, Mr Flynn thinks your an inbred simpleton.
  • Live in the countryside, Mr Flynn thinks your a blood-lust yokel.
  • Have anything to do with rural life, Mr Flynn deplores the rural set.
  • Are you a struggling farmer, well Mr Flynn thinks you are tax-avoiding farmer.
As he said "Got it in one, Mark.", but wait its not the first time this bearded prick has upset farmers. Anyone remember is inane comments about shotguns?



2 people have spoken:

Rhys said...

You wouldn't be surprised to hear that this comment was taken completely out of context - check the comments on his blog. Bearded, yes; Prick, no. Pricks are useful.

Fidothedog said...

Ok stand corrected, pricks are useful unlike Mr Flynn. Who's only use has been to generate vast amounts of hot air, thus adding to the global warming that he go's on about all the time.