Ploppy Oaten the Lib Dem MP has rather strange tastes as we all know. He, as Viz would put it, likes to smoke the chocolate cigar.
However, it is not merely his sexual antics that are scatalogical and borderline mad. Look at his views on prisons... Hat tip to reactionarysnob for the links etc.
**So if that should come to pass, in Mr Oatens world there would be no crime as such. All criminals would be seen as ill and in need of training/treatment. Now with regards drug treatment I can not see much of problem with that, other than for such programs to work the criminal has to want to actually change their life rather than signing up in the hope of getting early release.
They should go on such programs knowing that no matter what they will still serve the full term of their sentence.
One of the points of prison is that it removes people who can not follow societys rules from that society for a period of time. Sure there are many problems with those who for whatever reasons end up in the penal system, but in the main they ended up there through their own actions. Mark Oaten's view is that of taking away their responsibility and passing the blame back onto society, saying that in what ever way society has failed them.
The message that Mr Oatens policies would send out is that it doesn't matter what you do, there will be no guilt attached to you. Rather than a criminal you would be seen as a victim. No different to someone who pop's in to the doctors to get their ailments treated.
Many schemes to re-educate criminals have been shown to be poorly evaluated or shown to make little impact on reconviction rates.
**How typical of the Lib Dems to put criminals rights above that of the victims of crime. I shall finish with an old joke: What does Mark Oaten have in common with former Lib Dem leader Charles Kennedy? They both like to get shitfaced of an evening.
Tags:Mark Oaten
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