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One for the anti semites out there. Arafat dies from AIDS - Israel to Blame.

**Quick reworking of this post as just heard about Arafag dying of AIDS. Here is a report that Yasser Arafat died from Aids, oh and of course its all the fault of those pesky Jews.

(IsraelNN.com) Arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat’s doctor has confirmed the long-circulating rumors that the PLO chairman had AIDS – though the doctor insists Israel poisoned Arafat as well, causing his death.

Rumors have long circulated in both Israel and the Palestinian Authority that Arafat’s symptoms prior to his death were caused by AIDS. Within the PA, Israel has always been accused of poisoning the PLO chairman.

Jews to blame according to doc.(full story here)

...A 1987 book by Lt.-Gen. Ion Pacepa, the deputy chief of Romania's intelligence service under Communist dictator Nicola Ceausescu, may explain how Arafat contracted the sexually transmitted disease.

In his memoirs "Red Horizons," Pacepa relates a 1978 conversation with the general assigned to teach Arafat and the PLO techniques to deceive the West into granting the organization recognition. The general told him about Arafat’s nightly relations with his young male bodyguards and multiple partners. “Beginning with his teacher when he was a teen-ager and ending with his current bodyguards. After reading the report, I felt a compulsion to take a shower whenever I had been kissed by Arafat, or even just shaken his hand," Pacepa wrote.

**So its actually the fault of him being a screaming gay and not the Jews fault in any way, more to do with him not being to fussy about who he went with and living a dangerous lifestyle. But of course the Jihadists have to blame the Jews, even if one of their icons is a screaming drag queen.

Over to the Macc Lads who wrote a song that should have been played at his funeral: Now he's a poof

Does he get 72 virgin boys instead? Maybe now the Palestinians will stop persecuting homosexuals, then again maybe not.

This is for all the woolly headed academics, members of the Association of University Teachers(AUT), traditional New Labour Jew hating members of Parliament, petty bloody minded local councilors, shit for brains actors and actresses like Mel Gibson. So called reporters who would not have been out of place writting articles in Nazi Germany, Islamic apologists like George Galloway and the mis informed on who the real enemy of civilization is.

In fact all those who hide their traditional anti semitic behaviour under the pc guise of "supporting" the terrorists child killers in Palestine.


2 people have spoken:

montecristo said...

Ha,Ha good one. Why "educated" and "respectable" Politicians and elitist seek to expand the interests of Palestine and Islamic Jihad against Israel is a mystery until you read the Eurabia Pact 1974 whereby the world's media and elite agreed to support the interests of Palestine(and Jihad) and fashion Israel as the enemy of the world. The whole EU now seems to be based on this pact and will not backtrack.

Fidothedog said...

True enough can't fault that.