It's not often that one hears much sense from the majority of the cocks that fill the House of Commons, but well done to Paul Goodman MP.
Paul Goodman will take part in a Policy Exchange seminar, that will discuss the recent decision of the West Midlands police to refer Channel 4 to Ofcom. The West Midlands police made the decision after they had decided not to prosecute a number of Muslims featured in a Dispatches programme entitled 'Undercover Mosque', broadcast earlier this year (Google video).
There is an EDM with regards this program: EDM 646 - Godsiff, Roger
That this House notes with great concern the content of the Channel 4 Dispatches programme broadcast on 15th January, which contained covert filming inside mosques in Birmingham and Derby showing speakers using highly derogatory and racist language against non-Muslims including, specifically, Christians, Jews, homosexuals, lesbians and women; further notes that one prominent speaker in the film called for homosexuals to be murdered; recognises that the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the UK do not share these racist and discriminatory views and prefer living in a tolerant, democratic and liberal-minded secular society as exists in the United Kingdom rather than in an Islamic state under Sharia law as was called for in the programme; believes that the West Midlands Police and the Director of Public Prosecutions should initiate investigations into the content of the programme; and asserts that incitement to religious and racial hatred and murder has no place in British society and should neither be excused away as misunderstandings nor tolerated.
"No-one loves the kuffaar, no-one loves the kuffaar, not a single person here from the Muslims loves the kuffaar, whether those kuffaar are from the UK or the US. We love the people of Islam and we hate the people of kufr, we hate the kuffaar."
"Whoever changes his religion from Islam to anything else - kill him in the Islamic state."
"Do you practice homosexuality with men? Take that homosexual man and throw him off the mountain."
"I don't agree with those individuals [the 7/7 bombers], but at the same time they are closer to me than those criminals of the kufr."
"He's better than a million George Bushes, Osama Bin Laden, and he's better than a thousand Tony Blairs, because he's a Muslim."
In a letter to the Home Secretary Paul Goodman seeks to highlight the danger that in behaving in this way our police and law enforcement agencies are choosing to deal with extremist voices by effectively appeasing them. Mr Goodman's letter (which is attached here_as_a_pdf) concludes with these words:
"This referral is likely to encourage extremists, discourage moderates (including those who appeared on the programme), damage public confidence in the CPS and West Midlands Police, compromise media freedom and undermine the Government's stated community cohesion policy. As you know, Ruth Kelly, the former Communities Secretary, said last year that "our strategy of funding and engagement must shift significantly towards those organisations that are taking a proactive leadership role in tackling extremism and defending our shared values. It is only by defending our values that we will prevent extremists radicalising future generations of terrorists."
**What a pity that our own PM now refuses to call a terrorist a terrorist, refuses to mention the words moslem, muslim or any reference to religion and has forgotten all about that War on Terror.
Hat tips to conservativehome and uppompeii
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