The pro-Palestinian conference is scheduled for the last days of August at European Parliament. The organizer is UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People famous from its ant-Israeli attitude.
According to its official website, the CEIRPP currently has twenty-two members: Afghanistan, Belarus, Cuba, Cyprus, Guinea, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic [Laos], Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine. **Some well respected nations on that list, well known for their records on Human Rights(abuses that is). Just look Cuba, Indonesia and the Ukraine.
The topic of the conferece is “Human rights violation by Israel military”. However there are scheduled working groups on “how to increase the resistance against Israel military”. The Israeli Foreign Office has submitted the protest against the conference. President of Kneset Dalia Itzik, sent a letter to the President of EP, Hans-Gert Poettering. There is no official answer yet.
In the meantime the group of Polish MEPs deriving from all main political parties declared to boycott the conference and help to call off the event.
Bronisław Geremek (ALDE): “I will not take part in this conference. I saw the materials prepared by the organizers. Although there is no official statement that Israel must be pushed down to the sea there, the choice of subjects and the attitude towards the problems shows that it will be biased, conflict generating conference. Actually we can call it anti-Israeli.”
Bronisław Sonik (EPP-ED): “There is not the first such initiative. Pro-Palestinian lobby is very active here. If in fact, the conference will become propagandist, Israelis can count on Poles.”
Konrad Szymański (UEN): “Israel’s Objections are fully justified. UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People is a platform for activity of various extremists. According to the most of them Israel should disappear. I am astonished that European Parliament allowed such activity to be placed in its building. If there is any activity against the conference i.e petition signed by MEPs, I will be very glad to support it.”
Also Ryszard Czarnecki said, that this conference could only fuel the conflict, and won't help to ressolve it. He would also be glad to stop this useless and dangerous initiative. Ryszard Czarnecki is member of European Friends of Israel - what was very little known in Poland before.
Europa 21 sends this hopeful sign from Europe:
Hat Tip Gateway Pundit.
**Well done Poland, in showing their contempt for what is a stitch up job on the state of Israel. A pity that the so called Rt. Hon. Members of the House of Commons here in the UK could not have done the same.
Only the other year they were howling that the Commons should be recalled after Israel defended itself after being attacked and its soldiers kidnapped. Strange how quiet many of these same MP's are when it is now moslem killing moslem in the same area? No calls to recall the House, no EDM's by the dozen.
Tagspro-Palestinian conference
Dalia Itzik
Hans-Gert Poettering
Bronisław Geremek
Bronisław Sonik
Konrad Szymański
Ryszard Czarnecki
2 people have spoken:
Bravo Poland!
Would that we had some politico's like they have in Poland. Rather than the George Galloways and other sell outs.
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