Worthless whores who married terrorist fucks squabble over 29,000 quid of taxpayers money(oh and the UK taxpayers pick up the legal costs for these cheap ass fucking skanks)
THE wives of three Muslim terror suspects have launched a fresh legal fight to lift strict controls on how they receive and spend up to £29,000 each in state benefits every year.
**Yep they plan on killing the kuffir, these same stupid infidels give the barbarians wives money to spend and they bitch because we want to know how they spend the money! In a proper society they would be working for a living. Something that most infidels have to do in order to support the shiftless wives of terrorist scum.
The men are on a United Nations security list which means their assets have been frozen and the restrictions on their wives are in place to ensure handouts do not indirectly fund terrorism. The trio, who are on legal aid, have already lost in the High Court and Court of Appeal in hearings that have cost the taxpayer tens of thousands of pounds.
And the bill to the public purse could soar once again after they launched a bid to have their case heard in the House of Lords.
**And lo having lost the case, which us dumb kuffir paid for in our taxes again they now want this to be heard in the House of Lords. Again we shall be picking up the tab for the shiftless lazy wives of terrorists to argue their case on how they are going to spend money that we give them.
They argue the restrictions are “intrusive and inconvenient” but the legal battle was condemned last night. Blair Gibbs, campaign director of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “Inconvenience is a small price to pay for ensuring British taxpayers’ money is not being used to support people who even the UN regards as a terror threat.”
**Inconvenience my arse. At they were not inconvenienced on 9/11 when hubby was cheering his mates who killed thousands of Americans, they were not inconvenienced on 7/7 when again mates of hubby blew up UK citizens - who were on the way to work by the way, to earn money and pay taxes to support these fucking savages.
The wives, who cannot be named, receive between £300 and £550 a week each in state benefits for them and their families.
“M” and her husband are Egyptian citizens, both severely disabled. She has leave to remain in the UK. They have five children. Her entitlement is £353 per week.
“A” and her husband are British citizens with seven children, one of whom suffers from Down’s Syndrome and is severely disabled. Benefits total £548 per week.
“MM” is a Bosnian national and her husband is Tunisian. They have four children.
**Wait a fucking minute here, I am a citizen of this nation and I don't get any damn where near as much as £550 a week. Fuck me why bother worked, just marry a head chopping savage, spout shit about holy war and ker-fucking-ching the kuffir cough up the money for the shiftless wives, plus the next generation of back stabbing holy warriors.
Why when I personally know people - who want to work but can not find work - who struggle on job seekers allowance of just over 50 odd quid a week do we allow aid to our enemies and to the wives of our enemies? A fifth column in burka if you will who will only be happy when all the infidels are either converted, dead or slaves.
Another success story for Blair & Brown's cool Britannia.
Tags: Parasites
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