The Gurkha's who for hundreds of years have taken up arms for this land, helped us in both World Wars, The Falklands, Afghanistan, Iraq and other wars want the right to settle here in the UK.
New Labour fought this every inch of the way, lies were told by the unelected PM Gordon Brown and his ministers as to the cost should they be allowed to stay.
Thankfully the vote was successful for the Gurkha's, but lots of MP's opposed the view of the majority of the UK people and followed the party line in attempted to keep these brave men out of the UK.
Other MP's followed the cowards line in not voting, showing their contempt for these men by secretly agreeing with unelected Gordon Brown and the Labour filth.
See how your MP voted and if they were not present to vote or voted against these brave men then remember that fact; remember to vote out those self serving amoral scum on election day:
My local MP the Rt Hon. Paul Flynn MP, is an expenses fiddler who claimed £10,000 pounds in legal defence costs off the taxpayer for a libel case he lost, a libel case he could have avoided in the first place.
He has stolen on expenses a cool £7,052 for new kitchen, as well as work back in 2006 on his kitchen coming to £1580. He has also stolen from the taxpayers £1,153 on carpets and £1,200 decoration for his London property in 2005.
He also claimed £9,629 in stamp duty and fees, yet more money off of you and me.
Then we have £1000 deposit on kitchen equipment, and back in 2006 he charged the taxpayers £1201.90 on decorating his humble abode.
Plus he has claimed back mortgage interest as well, nice work if you can get it.
He also doesn't like paying his bills, he gets you to pay them instead: water, electricity, council Tax and even his television license all paid for by you.
Other perks include: £1745 on a sofa and a chair. £189 on a bathroom cabinet.
One ravel small sofa bed beige, costing £750 quid and a vanilla pluto chair costing £995 quid.
Then we have one tv table £150, one side table £90, a dining table & four chairs both £150 quid.
One leather look manager chair coming to £64.98. Oh and £424 on a bed.
His legal expenses can be seen here and his additional cost allowance found here.
Paul Flynn has also "flipped" his home as this spreadsheet
shows. Flipping a home does not imply wrongdoing, but often the MP's use the power to bill the taxpayer for furnishing more than one property.
Newport deserves better than Paul Flynn.
Gordonomics: the true cost.
Gordonomics is the economic theory behind New Labour, that has resulted in an over complicated tax structure that costs billions to administer.
A system that pours money taken in taxes from the private sector to fund a bloated public sector that produces not a penny.
A system that has left us the last G7 nation still in recession. Led by a PM who has broken his own golden rules on borrowing, leading to a national debt rising at over £6000 pounds a second.
Using government figures we will all owe £1.1 trillion by 2010. As of March 2009 the debt was £796 billions or 55.5% of our gross domestic product.
Thanks to Gordonomics we all owe £13,678 and rising. The interest on Gordon's spending will cost us over £42 billion a year, and to pay for it all Gordon plans is more tax rises.
If a company ran its books in that manner it would either remove the chairman and put matters right, something we can not do until election time or would be declared bankrupt.
See here for more details on the UK's debt bombshell.
Gordon the man who had the plan of clearing the UK's overdraft by sticking all on the nations credit card, an any day now the shaven headed bailiffs will knocking on the nations door; all thanks to this window licking hoon.
Even the head of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke said that the UK was ill-prepared to deal with the crisis in the wake of decisions made by Mr Brown when he was chancellor.
Remember the police are no longer there to help you, they are there to get targets for arrests and will arrest you under any pretext, if given the slightest chance to do so.
On September 11th, the world had a wake up call from the so called "Religion of Peace." - Both towers were hit by planes flown by the so called "Glorious 19" Dust clouds rise over New York People run for cover. In America firemen remembers the fallen. Whist a barbarian Palestinian woman on Ramallah street cheers the 9/11 attacks. Two beams of light. The moment it was reported. People running for their lives. And whilst they ran others also run for their own lives and political careers, desperate to fawn, to grovel before the very barbarians that threaten anyone who dares to speak out against moslem terror and oppression. Traitors and cowards unable to stand up to moslem terrorists and a death cult out to remove civilization from the Earth. From Pelosi to McKinney they whine and try to score points off of the dead. A point that needs making clear to Mrs Clinton. Whilst Kennedy a man who has already killed once accuses US troops of murder! Cowards one and all, men and women who see political advancement in the deaths of their own citizens. From the anti semite Carter, through to the just plain mad Al Gore. America has a crop of traitors and inept, sadly with power and media access who chant the mantra that pulling back will bring peace. Some members of the religion of peace, so loved by the left. A lone survivor. The skyline after 9/11. Some people who support those who carried out the attack, who have never properly apologised and who given the chance would see us all as dhimmi's, slaves or dead. Impact. Those who died. The tower falls. “All of a sudden there were people screaming. I saw people jumping out of the building. Their arms were flailing. I stopped taking pictures and started crying.” –Michael Walters, a free-lance photo journalist in Manhattan. As for those that carried out these attacks there are no adequate words of condemnation. Their barbarism will stand as their shame for all eternity. –British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
"I don't think you can overstate the importance that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism will have to the rest of the world in the century ahead-especially if, as seems possible, its most fanatical elements get their hands on nuclear and chemical weapons and the means to deliver them against their enemies." --Ronald Reagan
distribution center director, Kay-Bee Toys Confirmed dead, United Flight 93 - Pennsylvania, airline passenger
Nacke, a distribution center director for Kay-Bee Toys was aboard United Flight 93 on business. Nacke and his wife, Amy, were married last September. They were living with her parents awaiting the completion of their new home near New Hope. An avid weightlifter,he graduated from Ohio State University, and had two teen-age sons from a previous marriage. "He was the kind of guy that everybody liked instantly. Very outgoing, very forward, and proactive," his father-in-law, Robert Weisberg, said. "He was a warm, smiling individual who jumped right into every situation, positive and negative, a guy who couldn't do enough for you."Nacke, a distribution center director for Kay-Bee Toys was aboard United Flight 93 on business. Nacke and his wife, Amy, were married last September. They were living with her parents awaiting the completion of their new home near New Hope. An avid weightlifter,he graduated from Ohio State University, and had two teen-age sons from a previous marriage. "He was the kind of guy that everybody liked instantly. Very outgoing, very forward, and proactive," his father-in-law, Robert Weisberg, said. "He was a warm, smiling individual who jumped right into every situation, positive and negative, a guy who couldn't do enough for you." Tags:September 11 Moslems Islam Terrorists War On Terror Al Quada> 9/11 al-Qaeda Flight 93 Louis J. Nacke
Very well done, Sir... I see we even selected numerous same images in our posts for the remembrance! If only Americans could collectively muster the reverence and respect you as a British citizen exhibit. Thank you so sincerely!
You racist brainwashed american pig. Sheep like you are the reason the whole world hates the US. No im not muslim im australian and your comments are typical of the pataotic dumb fuck american, that we all have so quickly grown to hate. Your government done this and if you are too stupid to realise and open your eyes, you deserve to be dead in place of the slaughterd Iraqs and afganhis. All in the name of Oil and Money. Death to you.
This is the most hateful and disgusting use of polictical fear mongering and right wing hypocracy I have ever seen.
You should be ashamed of yourselves. People died that day. I think you have the wrong party blamed! The "Bushies" and "Rovians" are the ones that I have seen spreading fear and chaos.
This is abosolutely disgusting. Using the lives of those who died, Republicans AND Democrats, to spread your own brand of terrorism!
I am an American citizen and a Christian, for the record. And I think that until you can fully understand the true problem, shut up. Immortal was right this is why other countries can't stand us at the moment and you should especially stay of it given you are not from the U.S. and you're giving Americans a bad name. In case you haven't noticed the phrase is "Rest in Peace" not "Rest in Peace while we drag up the cause of your death over and over with no real learning or true remembrance of your LIFE, just your death."
7 people have spoken:
Very well done, Sir... I see we even selected numerous same images in our posts for the remembrance! If only Americans could collectively muster the reverence and respect you as a British citizen exhibit. Thank you so sincerely!
Cheers, well had to cover 9/11 as there has been damn near nothing on the BBC - no surprise that to be fair - although Euronews covered it somewhat.
Besides we are in the fight against moslem intolerance together, they hate us - the little satan - just as much as you folk across the pond.
Thanks for your heartfelt tribute.
As a New Yorker who witnessed it first hand I'm glad to see we haven't been forgotten.
Please come by to my blog whenever you have a moment and see the Muslim Day Parade that stank up my city on Sunday.
Kindest thanks,
Urban Infidel
Added you to blog roll and reader Urban.
You racist brainwashed american pig. Sheep like you are the reason the whole world hates the US. No im not muslim im australian and your comments are typical of the pataotic dumb fuck american, that we all have so quickly grown to hate. Your government done this and if you are too stupid to realise and open your eyes, you deserve to be dead in place of the slaughterd Iraqs and afganhis. All in the name of Oil and Money. Death to you.
Immortal, you sound like a 2nd rate Achmed the dead terrorist but without the humour.
Oh I am from Wales (thats in the UK) you dumb fuck.
Toodle pip ol chap and fuck off.
This is the most hateful and disgusting use of polictical fear mongering and right wing hypocracy I have ever seen.
You should be ashamed of yourselves. People died that day. I think you have the wrong party blamed! The "Bushies" and "Rovians" are the ones that I have seen spreading fear and chaos.
This is abosolutely disgusting. Using the lives of those who died, Republicans AND Democrats, to spread your own brand of terrorism!
I am an American citizen and a Christian, for the record. And I think that until you can fully understand the true problem, shut up. Immortal was right this is why other countries can't stand us at the moment and you should especially stay of it given you are not from the U.S. and you're giving Americans a bad name. In case you haven't noticed the phrase is "Rest in Peace" not "Rest in Peace while we drag up the cause of your death over and over with no real learning or true remembrance of your LIFE, just your death."
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