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Abd Al-Bari Atwan - Anti Semite on Osama Bin Laden.

A little bit on the Papa Jihad mans video. Notice that one of the chaps commentating is Abd Al-Bari Atwan? Who I hear you say, you know Abd Al-Bari Atwan editor-in-chief of the UK-based Arabic daily Al-Quds.

Ah that Abd Al-Bari Atwan, the same one who told a Lebanese TV interviewer he will dance in Trafalgar Square when Iran nukes Israel.

I guess that when a large turd like Osama pops up again in the bowel, the movement makes much smaller turds like Abd Al-Bari Atwan float up as well. One day I hope that both of these turds get flushed away once and for all and yes I will be dancing when I hear he is dead.

Inshalla on that one!

Still lets hope that the next time he is in the middle east Mosad hit his car with a hellfire missile and he becomes a **car swarm

**Car Swarm -A peculiar Palestinian custom of swarming around a car which had recently held Palestinian extremists but which was then blown up by Israel in a targeted killing of the terrorists inside. Often, thousands of Palestinian men will swarm around the destroyed vehicle, looking to retreive bits of flesh from the incinerated "martyrs." The bodily remains are then paraded around in triumph.



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