The BBC reported on a Democrat(peace by upon them) accusing Gen. David Petraeus, of "cherry picking" and having watched the BBC's output right next to CNN - I was switching channels back and forth - the phrase pot calling the kettle black springs to mind.
Whilst a nasty baby eating Republican was talking, the BBC had on some "advisor" who was pointing out that we were all doomed, the war was already lost and we might as well just all convert over to the moslem faith as Papa Jihad (or was it a beard double?) Osama Bin Laden advised in his new video. Ok not quite that bad but you get the direction that the BBC were favoring.
It was quite startling how over a half hour or so, the BBC cut away at various points to put their commentators on, their (if I may use the New Labour word) spin on issues.

A parody with more than a grain of truth in it:
Tags:Balen Report
Tags: BBC, Looney Lefties, BBC Bias
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