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Happiness lessons - more madness from cool Britannia.

Labours new solution to school problems is happiness lessons

All secondary school children will be taught lessons in happiness and emotional wellbeing to improve discipline and performance in the classroom.

Ed Balls, the Education Secretary, will today announce a £7 million-a-year initiative to expand these lessons to older pupils following a pilot in primaries.

**Seven million quid of taxpayers money being aimed at the wall and pissed away.

The lessons aim to develop the so-called "emotional intelligence" of children.

Pupils will learn how to manage their anger, empathise with other people, and explore seven themes which go under titles such as "say no to bullying", "good to be me", "getting on and falling out" and "relationships".

**It might be an idea to actually teach some of the failing children what used to be known as the three R's.

It follows a partially successful Government-backed trial called Seal - the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning programme - which was piloted at 60 per cent of primary schools and found to improve the performance of pupils.

Ministers are convinced this same approach will work in secondary schools, even though a study of the scheme by London's Institute of Education found the scheme did little to improve attendance or reduce exclusions in schools which took part in a trial.

Girls also benefited more than boys, with some children responding badly to the "touchy feely" approach .

However the overall impact was seen as positive, with calmer lessons, teachers shouting less and children producing better work.

They developed good manners, were able to play co-operatively and were more willing to interact with those from different backgrounds and cultures.

**Oh for fucks sake the last thing that is needed is yet more pc tick box nonsense. This is nothing more than a pr exercise, pc teaching at its worst in short total and utter bollocks.



2 people have spoken:

BobG said...

Sounds like something the dingbats in California would do in this country.

Fidothedog said...

Must be something in the water that the lefties drink that makes them come up with crap ideas like that.