Jamie Oliver, the celebrity chef, has backed a plan to prevent children buying junk food by locking their school gates at lunchtimes.
So the plebs vote with their feet on what to eat and the state decides that it knows best- backed up by celeb chef Oliver.
The idea is being considered in Denbighshire, North Wales, where pupils have generally ignored the healthy lunch options introduced more than a year ago.
Denbighshire education officials have begun to discuss the lock-in plan with governing bodies, heads and teaching unions
**Who knows maybe we can start to force feed children healthy food at school next, after all its all done for their best interests right? Oh and it also makes the school look all "pukka" and "right on" and that Jamie Oliver gets to flog some more books/DVD's/fill up papers with articles talking about Jamie Oliver and the latest products from Jamie Oliver .
Well no it makes them look like a bunch of nanny state fucks. Seriously who the fuck does Jamie "I am a complete cunt" Oliver think that he is? Aside from a dribbling cunt who fires off the work pukka every two minutes that is.
If children wish to leave the school at lunch time they can do so, many children have to go home to eat or have other reasons to leave the school at that time. Quite how do they decide on which children are allowed out and what happens if a child happens to commit the sin of buying junk food on the way back to school if they are allowed out?
10 lashes from the mullah at the local mosque maybe? Locking up children to stop them making a free choice on what they choose to eat. How the fuck did we even get to the point where this is raised as an issue? When did the state actually become the parent and make the decision on what peoples children can and can not eat.
A spokesfascist for Denbighshire Council said it was hoped that the policy would "ensure pupils are given a healthy food option".
He said: "Schools and the council have a duty of care towards its pupils throughout the school day, including lunchtimes, and this policy would look at only allowing those with parental consent to leave school for lunch."
The council says pupils were not taking up healthy options with 40 per cent more children eating school dinners when fast food was served.
Up to 400,000 pupils across the UK had deserted school dinners since the campaign to improve lunches began, according to figures published this week.
So lets recap here: Jamie's plan has been ignored(by 400,000), so the school backed up by fascist cunt Jamie Oliver plan on locking up children in the school to make them follow a plan that has failed.You got to admit that is some pukka logic. More state brainwashing from Father State here
Wankers the lot of them. More on Oliver here, where he is torn a new arsehole by Devil's Kitchen.
Jamie Oliver
Nanny State
2 people have spoken:
If I had left school at lunchtime I would have had a severe ticking off
And you say that 10 year olds are allowed to go out at lunchtime?
I wasn't allowed to do that until I was 15
or 16 I cant remember
We were allowed out at ten and even younger, maybe it was that we were such annoying bastards the teachers needed time for a beer and a smoke?
If thats the case then all I can say is that the children today are way to quiet and that the Daily Mail has got it wrong on the so called feral youth of today.
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