From Melanie Phillips.
A reader has sent me deeply disturbing evidence of the indoctrination into hatred and lies being perpetrated in at least one of our schools. This is a questionnaire that was distributed to pupils at a large mixed comprehensive school in Britain (the reader has asked me not to identify the school for personal reasons).
The seven questions included litter, racism, refugees, a petition against ‘British attacks on Iraq’, dolphin friendly tuna, racism again and then the last question:
‘You know that Israel’s actions against Palestinian civilians go against international law. Which of the following do you decide?
a) People like us in Britain should stop buying goods made in Israel, to help put pressure on Israel to stop attacking Palestinians (3)
b) This conflict has nothing to do with us and there is nothing we can
do (1)
c) Our government should put pressure on Israel to do what international law says, and cut down its occupation of Palestine (2)
d) We need to find out more about the conflict between Israel and Palestine before we say what we do (3)’The numbers in brackets indicate the score a student would receive for their answer - the higher the better. The week before they had a number of photos they had to group together - one was an Israeli tank and a Palestinian boy that was put under ‘Oppression.’
This travesty is being perpetrated in ‘citizenship’ lessons. The teacher who devised this question clearly is completely ignorant of international law, within which Israel acts, and is merely recycling the ideological equivalent of saloon-bar bigotry that passes for discourse about the Middle East in Britain. Thus the calibre of those entrusted to pass on to the next generation a sense of national identity grounded in the values of this country. Once, these values included truthfulness, integrity and academic rigour. No more. We are now a country where the uninformed are instructed by the bigoted. From the Olympian heights of Britain’s once unsurpassed education system, which produced the fairest, gentlest and most rational society on earth, Britain’s children are now being equipped instead to inhabit Planet Virulence, where ignorance, irrationality and injustice rule.
I warned from the very introduction of these ‘citizenship’ lessons that they would become a vehicle for crude propaganda. So it has proved. The irony is that the government introduced them in the first place because it was so alarmed that British identity and values were being eroded from within in the face of the threat to the nation from without. Now we can see the result. British citizenship includes hatred of Israel by way of the propaganda of one of the Big Lies of history – the very same Big Lie that is fuelling the murderous onslaught on the western world.
**By the way, new liebour pay for all your needs as a migrant(Vote LIEBOUR), new liebour pay for your multiple wifes, pay for the gulit complexes of past centuries(No was gulity of anything except for us white folks inEurabia) and the cowards of the state have parasitic cunts living off the working man like Trevor Phillips to back it up spouting new pc bullshit to all and sundry.
New Liebour pro moslem, pro terrorist, anti-semitic, pro parasitic illegal migrants.
Tags: Melanie Phillips, Israel, Immigration, Cool Britannia, Political Correctness
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