Ever wondered quite how the lunatics took over the asylum? Well maybe Sandra Gidley, Lib Dem member for Romsey is part of the answer.
She's called for "an open inquiry" into the police operation. But that's not all. She was quoted on an interview (Realplayer) on BBC South TV as saying that
"it appeared to be a police operation that went badly wrong, and that there may need to be a public inquiry unless the IPCC can answer he questions about whether loss of life could have been avoided."
**What a gutless twat she is, far better that armed criminals run riot and kill people than the police do their job and lets be honest who cares if some career villains go to an early grave. The criminals made their choice when they picked up guns, such a shame that this MP fails to support the police in putting down violent crime.
Tags:Sandra Gidley
Lib Dems
Cool Britannia
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